I do not understand the whole bathroom thing either. I hate it when women try to talk to me in the bathroom. I do not understand why I have to go to the bathroom with them either and I certainly don’t need a minder. I could understand maybe at a club or something if they genuinely didn’t feel safe, but always just boggles my mind.
Also, fuck those overpowering auto fragrance sprayers that set my allergies off.
I think they might feel differently if the toilets were right next to each other, with either no wall between them or a wall so short that its practically useless.
Fenway park before they redid ALL the bathrooms. Before they started doing concerts there basically. But everyones feet squeeked because of the piss all over the floors. The stalls had no doors. And it was just a troff wall. And my stepdad was just like “go find room in the line of dudes” as like a 11 year old. Basically eye level with a buncha dicks. Good times.
women getting beaten, mugged or raped by women is not an everyday concern. they don’t pee with their backs to the room without doors. men getting jumped in a bathroom is much more common.
Every woman I’ve explained this to thinks it’s ridiculous. They actually choose stalls next to each other in case they need toilet paper or something.
And they talk in the bathroom. To strangers. What the hell is up with that?
I do not understand the whole bathroom thing either. I hate it when women try to talk to me in the bathroom. I do not understand why I have to go to the bathroom with them either and I certainly don’t need a minder. I could understand maybe at a club or something if they genuinely didn’t feel safe, but always just boggles my mind.
Also, fuck those overpowering auto fragrance sprayers that set my allergies off.
We don’t need male and female bathrooms. We need talking and non-talking bathrooms.
I think they might feel differently if the toilets were right next to each other, with either no wall between them or a wall so short that its practically useless.
Or a troff. Nothing bonds two dudes more than rubbing shoulders and splashing piss on each other from backsplash from the pee wall.
God I remember that at baseball games when I was a kid. Candlestick Park to be exact.
Bunch of guys lined up at the trough, beer in one hand, dick in the other, cigarette in mouth, piss all over the concrete floor.
Kids today don’t know how good they have it with these divided urinals.
Fenway park before they redid ALL the bathrooms. Before they started doing concerts there basically. But everyones feet squeeked because of the piss all over the floors. The stalls had no doors. And it was just a troff wall. And my stepdad was just like “go find room in the line of dudes” as like a 11 year old. Basically eye level with a buncha dicks. Good times.
Just FYI, it’s spelled trough, and pronounced like cough.
women getting beaten, mugged or raped by women is not an everyday concern. they don’t pee with their backs to the room without doors. men getting jumped in a bathroom is much more common.
Dude where do you live?
I live in Manchester, UK which can be a bit stabby and not once in my life have I been afraid of some random unprovoked attack.
What a way to live your life, in fear.