• Flight – Cannot fly faster than 48 kph/30 mph.
  • Speed – Cannot move faster than the speed of sound or run on penetrable surfaces (e.g., water). Super speed is not restricted to running.
  • Telekinesis – Cannot lift more than 2,270 kilograms/5,000 pounds. Cannot use power on your own body.
  • Invisibility – Must be conscious to remain invisible. Your clothes become invisible when you do.
    1 year ago

    I’m a physics major and my passion for it started from overanalyzing superpowers. I was always super frustrated by how underutilized telekinesis was.

    There was this book when I was a kid called quantum league that looking back was just pretty ok and not super scientifically perfect but it placed the idea of using telekinesis in an atomic sense. I don’t think it ever got a sequel because I remember being frustrated that it clearly left on a cliff hanger and I’d check every year only to be disappointed.

    I just checked and it still doesn’t have a sequel