I lost the game. Now prepare to die.
oh fuck you
He’s literally Inigo Montoya.
My name is Inigo Montoya,
You make me lose game, prepare to die!
Say “what” one more goddamn time!
Shouldn’t you be in a town hall organizing instead of shit posting?
You were literally parotting conservative “bootstrap” propaganda on a serious post about the displacement of exploited communities around the world fuck off repub shill lmao
My condolences to your English teachers.
Also, you should probably look at someone’s profile before you call them conservative. For instance, you could look at some of my posts or even what instance I’m on and make some much more educated deductions.
I didn’t realize my single line of dialogue to you, me stating that you should take some personal responsibility for the situation you find yourself in was conservative propaganda.
MuH PeRsOnAl ReSponSibilIty
I think the phrasing you used was “go wallow in self-pity like a pig,” to my rational argument that “um hey guys gentrification is bad,” and yes, it is conservative propaganda. But please try to put on the holier-than-thou “I’m unemotionally attached to this argument” tone that everyone hides behind after they make a fool of themselves in an online debate.
I’m very sorry to be the bearer of bad news about you actually being a conservative capitalist puppet, but I don’t believe your brain rot is past the P.O.N.R. Maybe spend a few weeks reflecting and reading, and you might be ready to have those grown-up conservations
Context seems to be beyond your grasp.
Fuck you. Respectfully.
It’s an older meme, but it checks out.
I lost da game? I’m too stupid for the joke apparently
young* probably
Oh thanks. Yea I’m too old for this I guess 😂
It’s actually quite an old game!
It became popular online in the mid 2000s, although some accounts say it started in the 90s.
I hope you stub your little toe twice today.
This is sofa king wee Todd did
I live on a pirate ship with lots and lots of apples
Is there a name for processing language this way? I’ve written letters formatted in this manner as a challenge.
Oh you. [up voted]
I’d roll with calling it a cacographic puzzle, maybe?
Thank you! That’s a very good place to start. I’m not an expert in linguistics, but a close friend of mine loves to experiment with language in our letters. We will perform interesting transformations to grammar and spelling just to see how it feels to communicate with those rules.
Man that was a couple year streak I think,a new record
I had to say it in an American accent to get it (also fuck you)
That would explain why I wasn’t getting the joke
Jokes on you. I don’t know how to properly pronounce english so it sound like nosense for me.
I know how to properly pronounce english and that’s exactly why it didn’t work for me.
I lost the game. I’m not even mad.
Thanks for making me lose the game by accident.