1.4.3 Changelog By An Testflight User
• Revamped navigation on iOS:
- Favorites: sections display navigation links instead of text label
- Opening channel by tapping on its name opens it in current navigation view
- Channel Playlists are opened in current navigation view
- Search recent items are opened in current navigation view • Alternate videos view: list, available via top menu (iOS) or toolbar (macOS, tvOS) • Watch status of recent videos of subscribed channels is calculated
- Badge on tab navigation item (iOS) or in the sidebar (iOS, macOS)
- Subscriptions menu (iOS) or toolbar (macOS, tvOS) display feed actions:
- Play all unwatched
- Mark all as watched/unwatched • Subscribed channnels list is available on iOS via top menu
- Includes channel thumbnail (always on Piped, also with Invidious when channel cache is available)
- Includes count of unwatched videos of the channel • Added menus for iOS views:
- Subscriptions
- Trending
- Playlists
- Search • Redesigned accounts menu
- Account app icon is displayed • Added channel thumbnail to videos cells • Added button to video cells to toggle watched status • Playlists can be added to Favorites • Slightly changed search suggestions layout • Add to Playlist is displayed as submenu (iOS, macOS) • Settings and Accounts are available via top menus • Caching for faster experience:
- global:
- Saved Channel Playlists
- Channels
- User Playlists
- Videos: history and queue
- per account:
- Subscribed channel list
- Feed (recent videos list)
- Playlists • Advanced settings:
- Show cache status (time and loading spinner) for cached views
- Maximum number of videos in feed cache
- Clear cache and see total size • Added Pagination (infinite scroll) for Invidious feed • Fixed parsing comments from Piped • Fixed reported crashed • Connection errors will no longer display in alert but with a button • Other minor fixes and improvements
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Yattee is amazing! But bad in a way, because now I get angry when I see youtube commercials.
i don’t see youtube commercials or are you talking when you don’t use it. On desktop use ublock origin