I mean no offense to anyone. I just wanted to know your thoughts on it.
Tried it once, all it gave me though was a sunburn, figured it’s probably not for me.
Did you paint yourself green and breathe high CO2 air?
This isn’t a community to discuss opinions…try again on asklemmy.
I said I mean no offense. That negates all the bad connotations with this post, yes ?
Chlorophyll? More like BORE-ophyll!! Amiright?
Maybe you’d find chemosynthesis more interesting. Bottom of the ocean, using Earth’s heat, independent of the sun.
I’m in favor. Helps fix carbon and ultimately release oxygen into the atmosphere. Essential for growing plants and blue algae, which are the basis of the global food chain.
Couldn’t live without it.
Agreed, definitely in favor. And those fungi are super handy in breaking down the cell walls of plants.
Haha sugar go brrrr
I can’t use it. 0/10
I guess you take vitamin D supplements, huh?
It’s pretty neat.
Need it, want it, can’t have it.
Green skin and photosynthetic ‘bat wings’. Lunch, just chill out in the sunshine. Can’t have it YET!
Chlorophyll? More like boreophyll.
Need it for food 7/10
Pretty sure I’d die if I relied on it. Whenever I try to wear a solar powered watch it dies several times throughout the week
Posers will say they support it but then mow they lawns
It’s magic and we don’t know how it works*.
* as of my latest coursework in Biology; IDK if anything has been discovered since the 80s.
We know how it works now, YouTube has some basic and quantum mechanics level videos you should check out.