Whoa man, I totally forgot about that functionality. I looked it up to see if it was still supported but seems that they retired it in April 2020, with the exception of a few countries. Kind of crazy they kept it going that long given how obviously unsecure SMS is (which is the main reason Twitter gave at the time for why they were retiring it).
Unfortunate fact: Oppressive regimes and even billionaires in such regimes can basically get all of your SMS. No matter which brand, they will handover your data.
SMS verification?
Eeeeh… :-/
Does anybody remember when Twitter ran basically exclusively over SMS?
Best part. Once it returned errors… I almost cried.
Whoa man, I totally forgot about that functionality. I looked it up to see if it was still supported but seems that they retired it in April 2020, with the exception of a few countries. Kind of crazy they kept it going that long given how obviously unsecure SMS is (which is the main reason Twitter gave at the time for why they were retiring it).
O yea when Twitter was cool and unique lolol
Is that the only way?
Yes. It’s the second step in the sign-up process. And you can’t see anything without signing up.
That’s too bad
Unfortunate fact: Oppressive regimes and even billionaires in such regimes can basically get all of your SMS. No matter which brand, they will handover your data.