Penny’s Big Breakaway is a 3D platformer developed by the team behind Sonic Mania. Really looking forward to playing this one, John from Digital Foundry had nothing but glowing praise for it.
From the makers of Sonic Mania: The game so good that Sega had to prevent a sequel lest people realize that Sonic games can actually be fun to play.
Played it a bit so far and the controls are really unique. Definitely needs a lot of learning to get somewhat competent, but also very powerful when mastered. I’d be surprised if this isn’t going to become my favorite platformer of the year.
That said, the tutorial level (1-0) feels rushed. Very confusing pacing and camera transitions as well as bad audio mixing. Thankfully I haven’t seen any of those issues again in any of the proper stages.
I need to get this. It looks great.
Just started this on switch. Having fun so far!
Same people that made Sonic Mania, huh? I’m not a fan of the looks, but if it has that sort of pedigree then it must be decent at the very least.
It looks cool, I think I will buy Someday