I need a life. Can it help me find that?
You’ve had your chance!
I used fzf like twice or so and I can’t live without fuzzy finding anymore.
orderless achieves the same sort of thing in emacs, but I also use an fzf zsh alias to see my shell history all the time!
alias hf="history -100 | fzf"
Fzf has some scripts packaged for most shells that’ll replace ctrl-r reverse history search with this behavior
Thank you for the reply! Just figured that out and its awesome! Love CTRL+T for file names and ALT+C for cding.
Fish shell has this built-in with Ctrl+R :)
Lucky new-age shell bastards.
I have also implemented it in emacs. It is awesome.
I’m curious what you use it for. I use Ivy and it had good fuzzy matching.
Been using fzf for years now. Great integration with vim and ranger.
here to show fzf support