like the suggested medicare for all, but only on a state level
I was on Green Mountain Care for a year or two when it was available in Vermont… it was absolutely genuine single payer insurance system that gave me access to no-copay services. Sadly the program was shuttered three years after it had been introduced but I remember it fondly. It was accessible, affordable, and extremely comforting to have access to.
Edit: downvoted, really?
Yeah, I think this is the right answer. It’s a bit shocking that none exist, but that doesn’t mean it’s untrue. Some may have existed but don’t anymore (like the Vermont example in another reply).
The health insurance racket in the US is strong – probably the strongest in the world – and they have to
maintainconstantly expand their profits.
Alaska’s healthcare system kinda works like that, but only for Alaska Natives.
Do you mean anyone Alaska born or Native American Alaskans?
Specifically Native American Alaskans (i.e. those with a tribal ID)
Tribal Montanans have care through BIA. I wonder if BIA serves Tribal members anywhere in the US?
What about Massachusetts’ Romneycare? Wasn’t that one?
RomneyCare was similar to Obamacare, mostly based on an individual mandate to buy private sector plans.