Found this one online while browsing for what cats shouldn’t eat. However I feel like this area is quite controversial and opinionated. Also feels like half the websites are written by AI and riddled with ads. So if anyone has a good source as to what cats should avoid then let me know.
Anyways, I found this nice illustration, but wanted to hear with you peeps whether you have any experience regarding these food items.
Also what’s your take on milk/sour milk for cats? My previous cat loved it so much, and she aged until she was 17 years old, and never seemed to have a problem with it. Also asked the vet at the time and she said it was OK. However every other website I visit tell to never give milk(dairy) to cats. So which is it? Does it just depend on the cat?
Yeah don’t give them raw chicken because cats that kill chickens in the wild will always cook them first.
It’s bc of how our meat is processed/what bacteria may be one it. Cats are not immune to salmonella nor most other foodborne pathogens.
Yeah, but that’s not a chicken-specific thing. The actual infographic is utter horseshit, of course. Especially with recommending so many greens, as if cats can do more with that than pass them unprocessed and then demand more food as they expelled non-trivial amounts of energy on it.
It kind of is. You know how it’s fine to eat a rare steak, but not rare chicken? It’s because of higher contamination levels.
oh yeah fs, the infographic sucks ass but i thought id chime in on specifically why chicken sucks
yeah. until it eats the wrong chicken, gets sick and dies.
some stuff is fine until it isnt.
Animals in the wild die of food poisoning all the time; that doesn’t mean that we should have our pets doing the same. It’s a bit like playing Russian roulette, the risk is better than outright starving, but it isn’t riskless.
Also, I’m not sure but I think that battery farming increases the proliferation of salmonella.
Don’t let your cat eat lithium
My cat is bipolar, OK? Her vet prescribed lithium and she’s getting it! Otherwise she becomes like the feline equivalent of that squirrel from Over The Edge.
I stand here defeated. You my sir are the true king 🙇♂️