I really like this graph because it helps visualizes scale. Sometimes, people knock e-bikes by saying they are less efficient than acoustic bikes. While that may be true, it’s another example of, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” As shown here, e-bikes are literally the 90% solution. I really don’t think it’s worth sweating the potential energy efficiency differences between e-bikes and acoustic bikes. What’s really important is reducing car usage.
Acoustic is funnier than analog, and I’m not sure if it’s any less accurate than analog. In analog clocks, the passage of time is represented in an analogous rotation of clock hands. In analog sound, the change in voltage on a wire is analogous to the pressure waves you hear as sound. I don’t know what is analogous to what in biking.
Also, the opposite of analog is digital, and ebikes are not digital bikes.
I really like this graph because it helps visualizes scale. Sometimes, people knock e-bikes by saying they are less efficient than acoustic bikes. While that may be true, it’s another example of, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” As shown here, e-bikes are literally the 90% solution. I really don’t think it’s worth sweating the potential energy efficiency differences between e-bikes and acoustic bikes. What’s really important is reducing car usage.
Acoustic bikes? I think analog may be more fitting here but honestly I’m not sure. I’ve just never heard acoustic referenced outside of sound.
Acoustic is funnier than analog, and I’m not sure if it’s any less accurate than analog. In analog clocks, the passage of time is represented in an analogous rotation of clock hands. In analog sound, the change in voltage on a wire is analogous to the pressure waves you hear as sound. I don’t know what is analogous to what in biking.
Also, the opposite of analog is digital, and ebikes are not digital bikes.
I’m pretty sure E-bikes are digitally controlled.
Acoustic is definitely funnier, but all definitions I can find about it relate to sound.
Well, if your acoustic bike is not making any sound it’s because you’re maintaining and oiling it too much
Mechanical bikes sounds good.
Motors are also mechanical.
Of course they are. But if we’re being pedantic, flesh is also electric.
I’m just happy to be here. I like this conversation.
It’s a joke. Based on e-guitars / acoustic guitars
It’s… “manual” bikes, right? Or am I taking crazy pills?