Another month down according to Statcounter at least, Linux on the desktop is doing better than ever. Take it with your usual little pinch of salt like any survey sampling though.
It’s interesting that Asia is boosting Linux numbers when the Valve hardware survey showed the opposite. The numbers were recently updated to include China and it caused every OS to lose ground to Win10.
On desktop it is 7%. On desktop in Europe it is 10%. On desktop in Finland it is 15%.
For Linux, it seems like Asia is pumping the numbers with 5.8%. Linux use in Finland is 3.25%. Norway is 12.3%
It’s interesting that Asia is boosting Linux numbers when the Valve hardware survey showed the opposite. The numbers were recently updated to include China and it caused every OS to lose ground to Win10.
China windows is probably somehow more than 100 percent pirated and comes with additional spying and maybe crypto mining in the background.
I would love it if Valve secretly checked if Windows was genuine and put it in their stats.