Another month down according to Statcounter at least, Linux on the desktop is doing better than ever. Take it with your usual little pinch of salt like any survey sampling though.
2. I would recommend using Vesktop instead of the official client - it’s faster, has better privacy, and best of all, screensharing including audio works like a charm.
4. You could run your games thru gamescope - and as a bonus, you can use features like FSR for better quality or performance.
1. If you don’t mind using an older version of Photoshop (CC 2021), you could try this installer:
2. I would recommend using Vesktop instead of the official client - it’s faster, has better privacy, and best of all, screensharing including audio works like a charm.
4. You could run your games thru gamescope - and as a bonus, you can use features like FSR for better quality or performance.