I don’t mind waiting for things to be fixed what with life interfering with things, but I can’t find any activity from Ernest lately. He hasn’t been, like… hit by a bus or anything terrible like that, has he?
I don’t mind waiting for things to be fixed what with life interfering with things, but I can’t find any activity from Ernest lately. He hasn’t been, like… hit by a bus or anything terrible like that, has he?
Has there ever been a time kbin.social didn’t do that from time to time? 503 is a friend of mine at this point. Neither one of us has abandoned this place for twitter so this place is clearly at least robust enough (code- and community- wise) for us still to be having this conversation here.
Heck, I could (though won’t and don’t yet) argue the errors are a feature to keep you getting hooked on scrolling. There’s at least 2 projects I have finished I wouldn’t have worked on if this place hadn’t been down at the time.