Can I comprehend that you are somehow not subject to server issues when connecting to servers that have issues? Issues confirmed by all the players playing on those servers, as well as the company running them? No, that is the definition of incomprehensible. If I asked you to “comprehend” that birds are fake and the earth was flat, would you be able to “comprehend” that?
You could post a link to a developer thread of acknowledged problems for a different game with problems, but if you tried to claim that game was also running perfectly with no problems, you would be wrong in that case as well. Maybe you should reach out to Arrowhead studios and let them know the problems they’ve acknowledged and have a plan for fixing in fact don’t exist, and they can just take the rest of the year off.
Are you just lucky? Well if you and your friends all got early access to a different build of the game than every other player, and were given access to a secret set of servers without issues then I’d say you’re pretty lucky. If that isn’t the case though, I’d say this is less like you winning the lottery, more like you trying to redeem a lottery ticket with different numbers than the winning numbers, but just continuously insisting that they are the winning numbers. You can insist until you’re blue in the face, but that doesn’t change the set of numbers on your ticket.
So all 300,000 people playing the game on Steam (and however many on PS5) aren’t actually playing the game right now? TF you on about?
I’m not sure if you’re having a hard time parsing information or are just being obtuse on purpose. Either way this is gonna be my last response to you since you’re trying my patience as you’re extrapolating things I’ve said to try and paint a picture I’ve never tried to paint or attempting to broadly state something as fact that isn’t.
That thread you linked to was created on Feb 12. Back then servers were indeed having severe problems. Most of those problems have been solved? Yes. Are people still having issues? Also yes. Have I had any issues playing the last week or so. No. Anytime I’ve wanted to play I boot up the game and play with friends (mostly) and occasionally I use the quick play function without issue. I just tried it right now and it worked.
I would say the majority of people (>70%) are in the same boat. That still leaves a healthy chunk of people who are having problems. Sucks for them/you I guess.
You know how else I know the game is functioning well for most people? The 82% score on Steam that was closer to 60% when shit was really hitting the fan.
Can I comprehend that you are somehow not subject to server issues when connecting to servers that have issues? Issues confirmed by all the players playing on those servers, as well as the company running them? No, that is the definition of incomprehensible. If I asked you to “comprehend” that birds are fake and the earth was flat, would you be able to “comprehend” that?
You could post a link to a developer thread of acknowledged problems for a different game with problems, but if you tried to claim that game was also running perfectly with no problems, you would be wrong in that case as well. Maybe you should reach out to Arrowhead studios and let them know the problems they’ve acknowledged and have a plan for fixing in fact don’t exist, and they can just take the rest of the year off.
Are you just lucky? Well if you and your friends all got early access to a different build of the game than every other player, and were given access to a secret set of servers without issues then I’d say you’re pretty lucky. If that isn’t the case though, I’d say this is less like you winning the lottery, more like you trying to redeem a lottery ticket with different numbers than the winning numbers, but just continuously insisting that they are the winning numbers. You can insist until you’re blue in the face, but that doesn’t change the set of numbers on your ticket.
So all 300,000 people playing the game on Steam (and however many on PS5) aren’t actually playing the game right now? TF you on about?
I’m not sure if you’re having a hard time parsing information or are just being obtuse on purpose. Either way this is gonna be my last response to you since you’re trying my patience as you’re extrapolating things I’ve said to try and paint a picture I’ve never tried to paint or attempting to broadly state something as fact that isn’t.
That thread you linked to was created on Feb 12. Back then servers were indeed having severe problems. Most of those problems have been solved? Yes. Are people still having issues? Also yes. Have I had any issues playing the last week or so. No. Anytime I’ve wanted to play I boot up the game and play with friends (mostly) and occasionally I use the quick play function without issue. I just tried it right now and it worked.
I would say the majority of people (>70%) are in the same boat. That still leaves a healthy chunk of people who are having problems. Sucks for them/you I guess.
You know how else I know the game is functioning well for most people? The 82% score on Steam that was closer to 60% when shit was really hitting the fan.