Just lost out to thumb drives and better Internet speeds.
I’m still salty minidiscs didn’t take off tho. 20 years ago an iPod cost the same as a mini disc player. But it only took 2 maybe 3 discs to surpass it’s storage. And you could even use a line in to dupe a CD if you wanted.
It wasn’t as fast as ripping, but the convenience factor was huge and compared to 56k Napster, didn’t really take that long.
Zip drives made sense tho.
Just lost out to thumb drives and better Internet speeds.
I’m still salty minidiscs didn’t take off tho. 20 years ago an iPod cost the same as a mini disc player. But it only took 2 maybe 3 discs to surpass it’s storage. And you could even use a line in to dupe a CD if you wanted.
It wasn’t as fast as ripping, but the convenience factor was huge and compared to 56k Napster, didn’t really take that long.
Did minidiscs skip?
If you tried really hard it was supposed to be technically possible.
But I never had it happen