I don’t like gravel. That’s it.
- noisy
- scatters all over the neighborhood.
- hard to walk on
- dogs and cats crap in it
- kids chuck it around and put it in their mouth.
- doesn’t even look good.
- difficult and heavy to remove once you have come to terms will all of the above.
Gravel advocates… explain your case for gravelling your garden/drive.
Gravel sceptics, feel free to share your distaste.
Useful for drainage channels & such.
As a garden surface, it makes me angry. So ugly, so annoying, so depressing.
I think we are alone with this opinion. Seems lots of people like it.
As a garden surface?!?
Uh, not sure how else to describe when it is laid down in a garden (other than for drainage or whatever).
Expanse of gravel? Visible gravel?