
Yesterday I was at a health evaluation for a driver’s license. Everything went well with my physical health, but at questioning, my autism was bought up. I was accused of needing help with learning in primary school (despite of my grades, that were usually B (I know, I’m lazy)) and now I need a psychological evaluation.

When I started high school, most professors infantalized me, but later stopped after I proved myself (ok, some didn’t stop, like the slovene teacher and the sport teacher/coach).

When I meet someone new, they always think I am intelectually disabled, before proving otherwise…

Why is this happening?

Edit: It means a lot to talk to people who support me trough this (even if only on the internet). I took a psychological evaluation today. It included an iq test like form (easy, but didn’t finish the whole paper), questionairs and some cordination tests (that in my opinion I was bad at). Just waiting to get the results. Hopefully I’ll pass, but I can’t really do anything if I don’t, can just maybe try somewhere else in the EU (i think).

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    it’s just prejudice.

    Same as Black people are subjected to automatic devaluation/abuse, so we are, too.

    What’s sad about it is that evidence doesn’t have any validity to Kahneman System-1 mind ( read “Thinking Fast & Slow” to understand prejudice/ideology )…

    Richard Feynman’s autistic body-language was obvious-as-hell to anyone who knows to look, go see the youtubes of him, & see for yourself…

    and that guy was some 400x as quick at physics as a normal physicist ( literally: a normal physicist did a lecture, giving 365/2 days of his work, Feynman wasn’t at that lecture, he heard about it, and 1/2 days, ie that night, he not-only recreated the guy’s work, but he took it further than the original guy did. He was THAT fast. ).

    Autistics are underrepresented in motor-vehicle crash-statistics.

    With reason: we’re more rational, more predictable.

    Prejudice will never allow facts to interfere with imprint/belief, however.

    That is law in herdbeasts ( who have System-1 but not the considered-reasoning System-2 ) & in humans ( who, in theory have both systems, but we work to eradicate considered-reasoning, preferring ideology/prejudice, … rather completely ), both.