Hey guys,
I’m looking for a sport to do because I’m super skinny and I’d like to gain at least a bit of muscle. I’ve done cycling and bouldering in the past, but neither made me any less skinny.
The problem with sports is it’s very hard to do any sort of exercise with ADHD because beyond giving you no stimulation, it gives you negative stimulation, like when doing the plank. What’s more, it usually requires a ton of logistic prep/going somewhere, which itself is boring and becomes a barrier.
One thing I can see motivating me is doing it with other people (I enjoy chilling with people and having banter), but for that I might as well go to a pub/society where there’s no pesky ball I have to kick around. Team sports like football never really appealed to me for some reason anyway.
Has anyone had success making sports fun?
Do a strong lifts 5x5 program.
Focus on your body through the entire repetition and make the next one better.
The numbers going up on your lift value will be the game until your body starts showing you the score also.
I say this as a on the spectrum adhd man
Strong lifts. The built in timer is great. Just don’t look at anything else on your phone. I put on Audible and just lift.
How do you overcome the gratification hurdle of stopping scrolling to go and focus on your muscles hurting?
The StrongLifts 5x5 app I use has a timer between sets, I do my set then sit and scroll and then it dings at me to do the next.
Lather rinse repeat until I’m done, it takes no time at all and I still get plenty of scrolling in lol
Treat the rest as a dedicated, specifically-timed “thing to do” instead of just “time I need to kill until I pick this weight up again.”
Timers are helpful, as people mentioned, but stretching, evaluating how that last set went/ how next set needs to go, changing weights, and walking around to catch your breath are great ways to stay mostly on track.
And if you check Twitter after switching songs or something? That’s fine. Working out slowly > not working out, so unless you’re annoying other gymgoers with 20-min squat-rack scroll sessions , I wouldn’t sweat a mental lapse.
EDIT: Ope, I think I misread your comment to mean “between sets” and not just “going to the gym,” my b.
It HAS to be a habit. Go to the gym because it’s novel and you want to try it out, then try your damnedest to make it a routine. Make it feel weird to not work out. If you fall off the wagon, try again.
If neurotypicals fail to be consistent (see every New Year’s resolution), you can give yourself enough grace to stumble, too.