Guys I just had a wild thought
What if… SpaceX’s Starlink… is the spy satellite network?
What if our phones were a global spy tool of surveillance capitalism?
Every single ISP in the world is collecting every little bit of useful data they can and providing it to local intelligence agencies. Even if not, it’s safe to assume they do. There’s no reason to believe anything less for starlink.
it’s kind of a no-brainer really
can they? yes. would they? yes. so will they? probably.
As much as I hate to see anyone give that guy money, the saying does go “never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake”, so I will sit and watch.
And in sure 150 launches in a year is not contributed in any way to global warming…
Especially that startship… Right?
The problem is all with us, and that salad dressing container we threw out instead of recycling …or those plastic bags . Right?
How are we not taxing them more? This Is unnecessary and no wonder the planet is heating up.
150 rocket launches must make a material difference!
Probably not as much as we assume. Space related emissions are 1% of the aviation industry. Also, we just discovered ocean trawling and dredging is the equivalent to the entire aviation industry…
There just is a lot that needs to be done before even worrying about space launch emissions.
Because the rich have de facto control of all levers of power and will run roughshod over the entire planet until the rest of us force them to stop
Less than you would expect, this looks like it’s a good, balanced synopsis if you’re interested however you’re not wrong about it being a problem, and pointing out the PR/gaslighting that surrounds the issue.
Also it’s worth noting that SpaceX is using LOX-Kerosone because it’s “cheaper” than options which pollute much less (namely LH2-LOX) because the cost of the kerosene is “externalized” and you are correct that something like appropriate taxing could start to fix that issue and force them to make better decisions…
Call me in 12 months with the rockets explode on the launch pad… I’d be interested in reading how the fallout is handled.
Then why are they letting Russia use starlink?