I have a specific need for this particular tool in regards to an antique desk.
Any craft store will have tiny rubber and nylon hammers for jewelry and crafts. Small Rubber and nylon mallet
What is the purpose of the two different ends instead of just having both out of rubber for example
You can look up “machinist hammer” usuallythry have hard plastic or rubber ends that can unscrew for alternate options. Some of them are pretty dense and tough but have good weight and don’t (usually) damage anything.
Aha!!! That’s exactly what I’m looking for. Thank you for the recommendation. I knew something like that must exist, but could not for the life of me figure out how to ask for it from the laughable excuse for an AI we have now.
Well I hope you find one that works! GLHF
Harbor Freight
I second this. Also ask for a rubber mallet to avoid getting snickered at
Probably any hardware store that has a decent tool section. Rubber mallets come in all sizes and densities.
Jewellery mallet - rubber on one side and nylon on the other.
You mean a mallet? I mean home Depot or any hardware store should have some.
Nylon Hammers usually are available in much smaller diameter - nylon is more dense than rubber, I believe there’s a limit on his small a rubber head can be.
Or just put “something” between your hammer and the fragile wood part; I’m thinking a flip-flop sole lol.
Camping or Outdoorsy shops may have rubber mallets that are used to knock in tent pegs and similar. Not so hard as to be too easy to bend metal pegs or break plastic ones, but sturdy enough to be able to provide the force to knock them into hard ground.
I have the wiha 44008 with interchangable heads, it fine if you don’t need different heads all the time because changing the heads takes some time.
Auto store. There’s usually at least something available.
You can check something like woodcraft stores, but they tend to not have many hammer/mallet options when I’ve gone in person, and I’ve never really looked at their online store.
You’re still likely to run into having to adapt something, rubber as a mallet material has limitations, so they tend to be no smaller than two inches in diameter, that I’ve ever seen. Now, plastic, I’ve seen as small as a half inch head, but never rubber.
Now, there are gunsmith hammers with interchangeable heads, including rubber options, and they’re fairly small, but maybe too small, depends on what you’re doing exactly. Too light would be just as likely. But it’s an option. Those are usually available under 40USD, so feasible for a one off job, but not as cheap as automotive mallets. And you’d need you look online for those.
Can you describe the use case? Might help narrow the field of where to go (I’m assuming you checked places like amazon and didn’t find what you needed, otherwise, I wouldn’t have focused on the options I did for where to look)
Like a deadblow hammer?
No, a dead blow hammer is filled with shot so it doesn’t bounce.