Inside these structures, normally, there would be rooms for > > travelers to be used freely and allow them to rest and recuperate. Some caravanserai had libraries and thus it has been assumed that these areas also acted as a cultural hotspots where ideas and beliefs could be shared or discussed. Many travelers from around the world will have stopped at these on their journey to the African trader centers.> link
That’s so cool, wonder about the amazing stories that must have been told at these places!
So, you all meet in the inn deep in the vast desert… Let’s go around the table and describe your characters…
Half-Jinn warrior from Cairo, equally offended by white actors in bronzer and the blue man group.
Sounds a lot like a mountain hut on the trails full of hikers taking a break for a bit only on a much bigger scale.
In one of these I’m pretty sure you can learn a new dragon shout.
There’s a movie at that link of walking through the building, it’s really cool!
Some caravanserai had libraries
I’m feeling a major drive to watch Avatar again.
Usul, welcome to Sietch Tabr
As written.
And it apparently had one helluva shield wall.
Built on a natural outcrop, most are or were also likely on top of accessible aquifers.
Thank you. I couldn’t figure out how in the world they managed to get mud or even mortar to build a structure like that, in such an environment. I don’t know why “dig a well” was the farthest thing from my mind.
How does it keep from being submerged in sand? The ground around the ksar is a different shade, is that what prevents piling? Or is the area bereft of wind? Did they build the area underneath or is it naturally occurring? I have too many questions!
I’m imagining one poor caretaker with a leaf blower lol
Fine. A broom blower.
maybe what we see is just the tip
This looks like it’s the size of a palm. Hard to scale
The video and pictures here give a better idea of the scale.
Thanks! Already searched for more
I think it’s because the dunes have the same shape as the bumps in wet sand on the beach
Tilt shift does that.
This reminds me of the buried library in Avatar 🦉
Same lol that’s immediately what I thought of.
Have we checked it for Wan Shi Tong?
I’m not going in there, he knows Foggy Swamp Style!!
Worlds oldest surviving sand castle.
Real life Kenshi game.
Ehhhhhhh, now there’s a lemming after my heart. Very nice!
Couldn’t be, no one is being peaked to death
I find this so freaky interesting! Wow!!!
Think about the stories told, how many people passed through there, how it was build, who might have hid there!
Also, for the ones who read the demon cycle, this is how i imagined Ruins of Anoch Sun
I want to fill it with cheesecake and bake it.
In Algerian desert, desert bakes you!
Looks like someone left the Coliseum in the sun for too long.
I wonder if someone could get super insanely rich by building a pipeline to the middle of the desert from the ocean, digging a giant hole and building a beach resort on formerly worthless land.
You’re basically describing Dubai
Dubai is over the sea, no need for long pipes
I think you should be already super rich to build the giant pipe tho
Nah you just need to find some
suckersidiotsinvestors who want in on this innovative and brilliant idea.Then honestly you don’t even have to build the pipe
You can only steal investor money if you’re already rich and the investment is coming from the government.
It’s easy to pretend to be rich. Ferrari rentals are actually pretty cheap.
Nah, it’s easy as this project would be like most mining startups - you just need a liar and a hole in the ground
laughs in Salton Sea
Realistically, a project importing sea water inland would likely salt up the freshwater aquifer beneath the desert…creating more desert - elsewhere.
Fossilised sandworm
Reminds me of One of the fort in Skyrim with Bandits in basement.
Like some randomly generated structure you’d find in an empty area of an open world game. Has monsters in the basement and loot