I feel like being a blacksmith in 2024 is probably the same if not more lucrative than back when people rode horses, wore armor and swung swords around considering you’ll mostly be making replica anime and video games pieces for rich nerds.
I imagine it’ll help a lot, but if you’re in and around a smithy for years you’ll still end up breathing a lot more bad stuff than the average breather
I develop billing systems. If you’ve received a bill from e.g. your ISP, I might have been a part of making that system work. I get paid about the same as a doctor, but I spend about 85% of my work time gossiping / posting memes with my coworkers and watching youtube. I’d say I’m OK at my job, on many occasions I’m probably the first person in the world to solve (but also encounter) that particular problem.
I was a gifted child, but I ended up in this job because I’m lazy and a procrastinator. Never finished college, stopped caring when I started getting paid.
Well I think I’m on the right career path, but maybe not with the right employer. I’m also trying to finish my degree and move more into designing new systems rather than fixing problems in existing ones.
The gossip / memes is more significant for the business than you might think. It’s information sharing between teams and corporate levels that’s very hard to achieve by some predefined weekly sync meetings, townhalls etc.
I like cooking, but I’d never want to be a chef. One might like tending to their own little garden, but being a farmer is a completely different thing. You might like making your own little game, but working at a gaming company is not the same thing.
A job is a job, at the end of the day. Sometimes I think it could be better to keep the things you like doing as a hobby, rather than your job, as you might enjoy doing them more in the end.
Would I rather be on the beach with the family or on a cruise? Absolutely.
Reality is I need to work to feed my family. I have a job I’m good at and I find the work fulfilling. That makes it tolerable and I don’t find going to work everyday an absolute drag.
Do people like jobs? Today I was thinking that being a blacksmith could be cool. But I guess I was born to deploy k8s clusters.
I feel like being a blacksmith in 2024 is probably the same if not more lucrative than back when people rode horses, wore armor and swung swords around considering you’ll mostly be making replica anime and video games pieces for rich nerds.
Actually probably true, the issue is just getting started and building a reputation at first
And if you get enough clout you might get some edgy reality show on History channel or something now hahaha.
It’s cool but you’ll fuck your lungs
Is wearing a mask with a proper filter, not an option?
I imagine it’ll help a lot, but if you’re in and around a smithy for years you’ll still end up breathing a lot more bad stuff than the average breather
I like my work my job however I am on the fence about.
If you have a job that society needs, that pays well, that you are good at and you also love doing it, you have accomplished life.
Please note that it is totally fine to achieve those four criteria from different regular activities.
I develop billing systems. If you’ve received a bill from e.g. your ISP, I might have been a part of making that system work. I get paid about the same as a doctor, but I spend about 85% of my work time gossiping / posting memes with my coworkers and watching youtube. I’d say I’m OK at my job, on many occasions I’m probably the first person in the world to solve (but also encounter) that particular problem.
I was a gifted child, but I ended up in this job because I’m lazy and a procrastinator. Never finished college, stopped caring when I started getting paid.
Are you happy about what you are doing during your job? Problemsolving, gossiping and everything else.
Well I think I’m on the right career path, but maybe not with the right employer. I’m also trying to finish my degree and move more into designing new systems rather than fixing problems in existing ones.
Probably not very good at your job then??
The gossip / memes is more significant for the business than you might think. It’s information sharing between teams and corporate levels that’s very hard to achieve by some predefined weekly sync meetings, townhalls etc.
85% of his time though?
That sounds like it would get boring as shit in no time.
My job is a little cool but idk how long it will last
I like my job, but it’s still a job.
I like cooking, but I’d never want to be a chef. One might like tending to their own little garden, but being a farmer is a completely different thing. You might like making your own little game, but working at a gaming company is not the same thing.
A job is a job, at the end of the day. Sometimes I think it could be better to keep the things you like doing as a hobby, rather than your job, as you might enjoy doing them more in the end.
I like my job.
Would I rather be on the beach with the family or on a cruise? Absolutely.
Reality is I need to work to feed my family. I have a job I’m good at and I find the work fulfilling. That makes it tolerable and I don’t find going to work everyday an absolute drag.
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It happens. Rarely, though.