Cardinal Syn was an edgy violent fighting game for the PS1 where one of the characters, Bimorphia, was created when the villain sliced a lady and a dude in half and stapled them together
We never talked about non binary at all. The absolute majority didn’t know what it meant until maybe 5 years ago or so.
non-binary people have always existed. The only thing you kind of got correct is that non-binary as a term didn’t exist until maybe the late 90s or early 00s.
There were a bunch of alternative terms before then, the most prominent being genderqueer. There’s a DIY punk venue I’ve been to in Louisiana that says they’ve had genderqueer nights since at least 1986.
I didn’t say they didn’t exist - I said nobody were paying attention to them. Nobody thought about them. It was almost as if they didn’t exist, but they did.
You say the term existed in the late 90s or early 00s, and maybe that’s correct, but it’s only in the last few years it has become mainstream.
You can ask anyone now what it means and they will know. If you did that ten years ago, you would get a blank stare from the majority I believe.