You can’t really condemn Hamas (for offensive actions. Their treatment of other Palestinians isn’t great). They’re killing Nazis. Killing Nazis is always good. If you think otherwise, you are a Nazi.
Okay what do you call inhuman genocidal racial supremacist nonsense monsters, deep into fascism, treating a list of atrocities as a to-do while exterminating a group of people who never harmed them until the genocide started for fantasy nonsense reasons, and trying to murder the very concept of truth while they do it to cover their asses and keep the heat off of their giant concentration camp, using the justification that they ‘need the space’?
There is no such thing as being a Nazi because of pointing out other people’s possible misuse or abuse of the word Nazi, just like pointing out the misuse of the word Terrorism doesn’t make one a Terrorist.
I’m starting to think that you’re hasbara making clearly derranged uses of the word Nazi to indirectly help Israel by diffusing the point that Zionist behaviour is the closest there is to Nazi behaviour in the modern era.
If you’re not, then try and not reduce your thinking to one word slogans that you hammer into everything (like a square peg on a round hole) so as not to destroy valid arguments for yourself and others.
no but Nazis do like to accuse other people of being themselves, and live five have here. its like their favorite trick. and I’m so done being gentle about their identities. I’d like to avoid splash damage to other groups, and I think I’m reasonably careful to do that, but explain the difference between a modern Zionist (I’m aware there are historical versions of the idea that involved zero genocide, and haven’t existed since before television was a thing) and Nazi in practical terms. not in their nitpicks or specific stated goals, but their effect on the world. now explain why I should care about the feelings of either group.
yeah nothing makes hezbollah seem reasonable quite like hezbarah does. they’re using modern tactics to try and murder truth and fuzz everyone’s decision loops.
So by your logic, because I disapprove of massacring people dancing at a music festival I am now a Nazi, and you consider my murder to be a good? Is that your pitch?
I can prove with the videos how Hamas didn’t start that, but instead let me tell you that the philosophical stance here is that if you go to a place where active genocide is happening, and there is a literal concentration camp merely kilometers from you, it is exactly the same as propping up a music festival in Auschwitz or Nazi’s death camps in Poland.
As such, I stand that those people are fucking scum and shouldn’t be cried for. Fuck them
They were colonists dancing on stolen land. The people they stole it from killed a few of them. They probably still had the keys to the buildings from when they lived there.
I don’t really care what they were doing. You could make a moral argument if I killed them, but anything any Palestinian does to any “Israeli” is always justified as self defense, under any conditions.
Do you believe in justified massacres more broadly too? Would Sahrawis slaughtering Moroccan settlers or Kypriots killing Turkish settlers also be good things?
I think theres an active ongoing genocide, and the lives of the inhuman monsters doing it cannot be a concern if you want it to stop.
everything else has been tried and tried and tried. the only fix left is killing them until they can’t. not until they promise to stop; they’ve shown their promises are worth less than nothing. until they can’t. until there are no more veteran or military age “Israelis” who aren’t crippled (i mean missing limbs, not bone spurs. ‘cannot run or accurately fire a weapon by any stretch of the imagination’ crippled) left to continue the genocide.
and then we, as a fucking world, need to do something token to making it up to the Palestinian people. start with returning every inch of their land, building them all the infrastructure bombs we bought have destroyed over the years, offering them free educations in every university in the world, and doing whatever the PTSD treatment equivalent of the fucking Berlin airlift is.
Who is the arbiter of when there is an “active ongoing genocide”? Who do you trust with the authority to kill and cripple entire populations? What happens when the Israelis are defenseless and the Palestinians come for revenge? Will that be a genocide? Should they be killed and crippled too?
prickly question, big question, but not relevent here: in this case, you dont need an arbiter; they all brag about doing it. they’re not even hiding it anymore. lookupany Zionist shutzstaffel butcher’s social media, you’ll see video evidence, posted in public by the guilty party. their command structure says it. their prime minister says it. its in the songs they teach their vile spawn. they dont just deny it; they shout it from the mountaintops so loud it could damage my hearing.
the “Israeli” needs to be killed or crippled to stop them from killing Palestinians. at the end, there must be no such thing as an “Israeli”.
what the Palestinians do to any “Israeli”, or what they decide to do to these masses of non-persons on their land his nice it’s returned is up to them, and I can make no moral judgment.
they could, as many likely will, jack themselves off about forgiveness, and make an effort to raise the remainder or ship them off to international relatives or something. I think that would be foolish, but its not my place to say.
they cod shackle them in cages and become the go to global spot for organ transplants, and I’d applaud their practicality.
they could dig a giant hole, and put every last one of them there, or grind them up for fucking fertilizer, and finally make that bullshit about ‘making the desert bloom’ ever so slightly true.
the point is I dont care. once you surrender your humanity, it is gone. you no longer count as human. the effort to kill you may not be worth it, but your deaths moral cost changes, irrevocably, to zero-or less.
I think if youre running a giant concentration camp and trying to murder truth, while exterminating people for fantasy nonsense reasons, and literally going down the list of atrocities as a to-do list, youve earned it more than most.
You can’t really condemn Hamas (for offensive actions. Their treatment of other Palestinians isn’t great). They’re killing Nazis. Killing Nazis is always good. If you think otherwise, you are a Nazi.
The problem with that thinking is how easy it is to call someone a Nazi (or a terrorist) to legitimize killing them.
Okay what do you call inhuman genocidal racial supremacist nonsense monsters, deep into fascism, treating a list of atrocities as a to-do while exterminating a group of people who never harmed them until the genocide started for fantasy nonsense reasons, and trying to murder the very concept of truth while they do it to cover their asses and keep the heat off of their giant concentration camp, using the justification that they ‘need the space’?
They’re Nazis.
Add it to the list of words that mean nothing now.
Says the Nazi.
See now there’s the problem of your use of the word. It has lost all meaning and weight.
It doesn’t bother me in the slightest to be called that by you after seeing how you use it.
There is no such thing as being a Nazi because of pointing out other people’s possible misuse or abuse of the word Nazi, just like pointing out the misuse of the word Terrorism doesn’t make one a Terrorist.
I’m starting to think that you’re hasbara making clearly derranged uses of the word Nazi to indirectly help Israel by diffusing the point that Zionist behaviour is the closest there is to Nazi behaviour in the modern era.
If you’re not, then try and not reduce your thinking to one word slogans that you hammer into everything (like a square peg on a round hole) so as not to destroy valid arguments for yourself and others.
no but Nazis do like to accuse other people of being themselves, and live five have here. its like their favorite trick. and I’m so done being gentle about their identities. I’d like to avoid splash damage to other groups, and I think I’m reasonably careful to do that, but explain the difference between a modern Zionist (I’m aware there are historical versions of the idea that involved zero genocide, and haven’t existed since before television was a thing) and Nazi in practical terms. not in their nitpicks or specific stated goals, but their effect on the world. now explain why I should care about the feelings of either group.
yeah nothing makes hezbollah seem reasonable quite like hezbarah does. they’re using modern tactics to try and murder truth and fuzz everyone’s decision loops.
I think you are worst then nazis for celebrating the events of October 7.
So by your logic, because I disapprove of massacring people dancing at a music festival I am now a Nazi, and you consider my murder to be a good? Is that your pitch?
The music festival bit again lmfao
I can prove with the videos how Hamas didn’t start that, but instead let me tell you that the philosophical stance here is that if you go to a place where active genocide is happening, and there is a literal concentration camp merely kilometers from you, it is exactly the same as propping up a music festival in Auschwitz or Nazi’s death camps in Poland.
As such, I stand that those people are fucking scum and shouldn’t be cried for. Fuck them
They were colonists dancing on stolen land. The people they stole it from killed a few of them. They probably still had the keys to the buildings from when they lived there.
I don’t really care what they were doing. You could make a moral argument if I killed them, but anything any Palestinian does to any “Israeli” is always justified as self defense, under any conditions.
Do you believe in justified massacres more broadly too? Would Sahrawis slaughtering Moroccan settlers or Kypriots killing Turkish settlers also be good things?
deleted by creator
I think theres an active ongoing genocide, and the lives of the inhuman monsters doing it cannot be a concern if you want it to stop.
everything else has been tried and tried and tried. the only fix left is killing them until they can’t. not until they promise to stop; they’ve shown their promises are worth less than nothing. until they can’t. until there are no more veteran or military age “Israelis” who aren’t crippled (i mean missing limbs, not bone spurs. ‘cannot run or accurately fire a weapon by any stretch of the imagination’ crippled) left to continue the genocide.
and then we, as a fucking world, need to do something token to making it up to the Palestinian people. start with returning every inch of their land, building them all the infrastructure bombs we bought have destroyed over the years, offering them free educations in every university in the world, and doing whatever the PTSD treatment equivalent of the fucking Berlin airlift is.
Who is the arbiter of when there is an “active ongoing genocide”? Who do you trust with the authority to kill and cripple entire populations? What happens when the Israelis are defenseless and the Palestinians come for revenge? Will that be a genocide? Should they be killed and crippled too?
prickly question, big question, but not relevent here: in this case, you dont need an arbiter; they all brag about doing it. they’re not even hiding it anymore. lookupany Zionist shutzstaffel butcher’s social media, you’ll see video evidence, posted in public by the guilty party. their command structure says it. their prime minister says it. its in the songs they teach their vile spawn. they dont just deny it; they shout it from the mountaintops so loud it could damage my hearing.
the “Israeli” needs to be killed or crippled to stop them from killing Palestinians. at the end, there must be no such thing as an “Israeli”.
what the Palestinians do to any “Israeli”, or what they decide to do to these masses of non-persons on their land his nice it’s returned is up to them, and I can make no moral judgment.
they could, as many likely will, jack themselves off about forgiveness, and make an effort to raise the remainder or ship them off to international relatives or something. I think that would be foolish, but its not my place to say.
they cod shackle them in cages and become the go to global spot for organ transplants, and I’d applaud their practicality.
they could dig a giant hole, and put every last one of them there, or grind them up for fucking fertilizer, and finally make that bullshit about ‘making the desert bloom’ ever so slightly true.
the point is I dont care. once you surrender your humanity, it is gone. you no longer count as human. the effort to kill you may not be worth it, but your deaths moral cost changes, irrevocably, to zero-or less.
Have you spared any thoughts to how easy it would be to swap “Israelis” and Palestinians in your rant?
yeah you’d just have to strip out all the justification and substance and reasons why.
I’m a Nazi, you’re a Nazi, everyone who disagrees with them is one. That’s how it works now. The word has lost all meaning.
I think if youre running a giant concentration camp and trying to murder truth, while exterminating people for fantasy nonsense reasons, and literally going down the list of atrocities as a to-do list, youve earned it more than most.