I’m sure they are working on a youtube messaging app behind the scenes.

  • FutileRecipe@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    People really need to just stfu about a certain other app. If ya know, ya know. Otherwise stop advertising it you morons…When you mention YT and IMMEDIATELY bring THAT up publicly, you’re not helping anyone.

    Do you really think that Google is only going to take down an app or adjust the API based on some comments, posts, articles?

    “Yo, Neal, did you see what that one person on Lemmy said? We gotta crack down on this API to fix that.”

      • FutileRecipe@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I seriously doubt banning the entirety of… non-conforming third party app users is something they would loose sleep over if it means stopping that in its tracks.

        They would do it happily.

        I know, API, Spoofing, Ect. I know. You’ve more faith in that than myself. To actually believe there isn’t anything they can do to go the extra mile and end it, seems extremely nieve imo.

        You’re not quite getting what I’m saying. I think they absolutely would/will crack down on this, but they’re going to do that regardless of what we say here. I don’t think our comments are going to push them into doing it faster, and us not saying anything is going to make them go slower. With the resources/money/monitoring/tech/etc they have, they are well aware of all these tools before most users of them are. Us saying nothing is not keeping a secret, nor is it guiding their actions. You give our comments too much weight, and much more than they will, if they even think of us.