I have an extension that can individually disable all the most useless/addicting components of the Youtube site, such as shorts and whatnot. On the search page, I have turned on:
hide Shorts
hide For You
hide Trending
hide ‘People Also Searched For’
hide Search Categories
hide Promoted Videos
hide Promoted Websites
hide Suggested Products
Do you know what Youtube has started doing? They are now inserting engagement slop DIRECTLY into the search results, as seen in the image above. It’s literally a short, yet it’s inserted like a video so you’re forced to see it. The only possible way to remove it is by using a privacy frontend, as even on incognito mode, Youtube will look at the three videos you’ve watched and start inserting shit based off that.
Louis Rossman is right, they all have rapist mentalities… “just let me stick it in”
I disabled History and only see my channel subscriptions. None of the options above appear in my Youtube feed.
Yeah i did this until they make the entire homepage blank if you keep history off. Very annoying.
but why would your homepage not be your sub box
i had history disabled for a while until i realized that it then forgets your progress in longer videos… deal-breaker for me