Never. We don’t even get each other presents for birthdays or Christmas. Saves us both from stressing about what to “buy someone who has everything”.
Same. We go away, or have dinner somewhere nice, enjoy each other’s company. There’s just no point with presents - if either one of us wants something, we already got it for ourselves. I think it’s lovely that some couples have special talents to make or craft things for each other but we’re not those people.
Makes sense, we tend to mostly focus on consumables (usually food or drinks) for presents, even someone who has everything will still enjoy some chocolate
My spouse and I have talked about love languages, and we agree gift-giving is our least favorite. So, we don’t do flowers often. In fact, I bring her flowers in Animal Crossing more often than in real life, which is more of an act of service.
Maybe once or twice a year, but not on the dates we’re “supposed to”. Mostly at random times throughout the year whenever I’m thinking about it.
I get my wife flowers about once a month
If there was any to give any to, probably once per equinox/solstice.
multiple times a week
I offered a rose to my SO last week as is the tradition in Catalunya for Sant Jordi (see ! for more details).
We also try do to a date night (we go out and try to get out of our routine) once a week
Can’t afford much currently, so I try and make special food. Recently it was vanilla ice cream with maraschino cherries mixed in. He’s been enjoying it! Holidays or birthdays I’ll make tiramisu with homemade ladyfingers.
i don’t think it’s nice to kill flowers
Flowers also come in pots
not in my house they don’t