Stack Overflow was great when it appeared. The info was spread out incredibly wide and there was a lot of really shitty info as well. One place where it could accumulate and be rated was extremely helpful.
But maybe it’s time to create a federated open source Stack Overflow.
I once managed to find a pretty good alternative, but then I forgot its name. It was a very chill community unlike what Stackoverflow was recently with it’s toxicity (properly formatted question police, people being offended for less popular languages, etc.).
Stack Overflow was great when it appeared. The info was spread out incredibly wide and there was a lot of really shitty info as well. One place where it could accumulate and be rated was extremely helpful.
But maybe it’s time to create a federated open source Stack Overflow.
They also committed to providing open dumps of their data to make it free to all. At the start, they were doing all the right things.
I once managed to find a pretty good alternative, but then I forgot its name. It was a very chill community unlike what Stackoverflow was recently with it’s toxicity (properly formatted question police, people being offended for less popular languages, etc.).