Fuck this stupid censoring trend. So cringe.
F🅱️ck this st🅱️pid censoring trend*
shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits.
How could you do this!?!? Think of the investors!!!
joins indie social media to be free from corporate censorship
look inside
.ml is censoring swear words
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck
Noize noize noize…
I fucked your mooooom
Edit: It’s literally in the song y’all
Jokes on you.
pau mole
Healthy, Husky, Fluffy, Fat, Damn, Oh Hell No!
I don’t get it
Just another famous bit that is reasonably well known, though probably not as well known as Carlin
What? NO
Fart, turd, and twat. Come on, does nobody know the rest of the lyrics?
It’s just to get around Instagram/Facebook/Xitter filters.
Yeah I figured. But for one, why use a platform if it treats you like a toddler?
I feel alternately sad and disbelieving when I see this one. The poster is either fake, or obviously lacking in a basic education. This goes beyond stupidity, and speaks rather to someone who wasn’t given any schooling, and is spelling entirely by sound. The latter just makes me sad.
Ya, this is bate; no one is thes bad, evrey misteak seams delibrit…
Maybe. But if you image someone with a deep accent, only fundamental reading skills, spelling words by sound… if you read it out loud it almost sounds rural Kentucky, or Tennessee.
Although, I don’t know how they came up with “gledding,” unless that’s how they learned it by hearing it. It’s consistently wrong, and no amount of accent accounts for it.
Ooo! I now what it sounds like! Have you ever seen the parody YouTube series “Precious Plum?” It reads like someone with that accent spelling by how they say the words.
Gelding is what they mean and a 1 character transposition happens by accident all the tiem.
Yeah I know what they mean; I’ve owned horses before. It’s that they transpose multiple times, and I can’t imagine mispronouncing that.
That’s… A good point. I had missed the second instance somehow
Eh. My wife’s with you: she thinks it’s a troll, too.
Interestingly enough, it often maeks the same sound.
My first impression is that it feels fake because of:
when kids our on him
our -> are
Come try are boy
are -> our
Maybe it depends on accent but “are” and “our” are homophones in my accent and if you spelled by sound you’d likely spell “our” as “are” …i cant help but feel like it’s intentionally increasing the mistake counter :(
You’re probably right. I’d rather that you were right; like I said, a troll is less depressing than the alternative.
But not entirely unheard of, especially with older rural farmers. I think my grandpa finished 5th grade before he started working.
21% of US adults are illiterate in English, mostly coming from rural areas and predominantly Spanish-speaking areas (Spanish speakers account for only around 1/3 of those illiterate in English on average). My state (Georgia) has an adult English illiteracy rate of 23.6% :)
And yes, I have known PLENTY of people who write like this (or worse than this), I have too much first-hand experience to immediately doubt this
On the other hand, it shows how a primary language having very inconsistent&non-phonetic spelling completely fucks up the literacy average… in a language like Spanish, Polish, or Finnish, being poorly literate makes very little sense, at least in the sense of “correctly associating written words with spoken words”; for the most part it’s a binary can or can’t, if you know the basics then you can write everything you say and say everything you read with few exceptions (and even with these exceptions, it ends up being close enough to easily recognize still). You know your writing system is fucked up when spelling contests exist for it.
On the other hand, it shows how a primary language having very inconsistent&non-phonetic spelling completely fucks up the literacy average
One of my biggest English pet-peeves. The other is “living language” revisionists who argue that language should be allowed to evolve, thereby validating any faddish slang that’s used; and so-called “dictionaries” like those hacks at Merriam-Webster who’ll add anything to their English dictionary as long as one of their editors heard the word used in the radio once.
OED is the only English dictionary of any repute.
This is an interesting mix of “horse people” who tend to have money and thus education and a really stupid person. Bravo.
People who own horses are either rich as sin or poor as dirt and there is literally zero in between
And very often they’re poor as dirt because they have horses. I analyzed a colleague’s finances with her and the only reason she has to work overtime every week is because of her horses, her reaction was to build what she needs to keep them at home and she then bought another horse because she now has money to spare because she doesn’t need to pay rent anymore…
Saving is for people who don’t want to round the day out having to step through doors sideways because exercising all the horses yourself instead of the staff at the stables leaves you so wide bow legged you occasionally get set up on sticks as a limbo pole.
I know there are many people out there who are this level of illiterate, but the title of this makes me relieved that it’s almost certainly a joke post.
They mean gentile, not whatever it says now.
Was a bit worried there for a sec.
Copy that, horse is not Jewish.
How does someone so bad at spelling have the money for a horse and land?
You actually see a lot more horse ownership in poor, rural locations than in wealthy ones.
People on the internets like to laugh at the Cornish accent ? Maybe ? :-D
Money me, money now. Me a money, needing a lot now.
That could be a pop song
tesseract transcription (fixed a bit + gimp included):
Posted: 5 days ago
huge genital horse - $750You will smile when you rid on this sweat
gledding. Every body all ways comments on
his genitalness an they love him. He is a
gledding so no worries about pregnancy. HE
really licks when kids our on him. We use him
for trials. He’s 15.5 hands and 5 years old. He
is yellowish color. Write home is empowertant,
Come try are boy. We can bored him hear to if
you lick. Thanks you