• @buffaloseven@lemmy.ca
    411 months ago

    Cyan’s clarification is helpful, but if anything it just shows that all this LLM flavour-of-the-day stuff isn’t a magic solution to all our problems. At the end of the day, it sounds like the content is a bit lifeless and underwhelming simply because their ideas and lore were a bit lifeless and underwhelming.

  • DarraignTheSane
    11 months ago

    I started playing Firmament a bit before I saw this news yesterday. I figured the mysteriousness would unfold bit by bit as the game progressed as we’re used to with Cyan games, but now it seems it might just be a hodge-podge mess of AI written material. Oh well, the puzzles have been fun and engaging and I’ll probably keep playing.

  • @eyecreate@beehaw.org
    311 months ago

    I backed this game and haven’t played it yet, but I don’t inherently believe AI assisted content is a bad thing. As long as it’s well curated. Guess I’ll find out what I think about it once I get around to playing it.