I am excited for a new season but I hope it doesn’t “raise my expectations and dash them expertly” like Disenchantment did.
What’s your thoughts?
I don’t know whether this will be controversial, but I enjoyed Disenchantment. I also enjoy the vast majority of Futurama.
I’m not sure they can recapture the lightening in a bottle of the early seasons, but I still think it’ll be good.
I too loved Disenchantment. But hate Netflix’s handling of it.
Netflix handles everything terribly. They got someone in a top position that loves scripted reality TV and are going the route of the history channel and TLC.
I liked Disenchantment, but not as much as I hoped I would. As it is a separate entity from Futurama, it deserves it’s own flavors. They just didn’t hit my palate the way Futurama does.
Got in not expecting much but had great fun. It really scratched that futurama itch. Too bad it looks dead :-(
Last I heard there’s one more season to wrap it up. It was in post back in February. That may have changed though because I don’t keep close track.
My main concern is Billy West. The man is in his seventies now. Will he be able to pull off the Fry and Zapp voices or will it be like Julie Kavner trying to voice Marge post season 30?
They can probably just generate his lines using the existing content.
The fact it’s only so far a one season run makes me happy. Gives the writers time to actually have some fun with it - which is important since it has been so long.
I didn’t know there was a new season comming, this is super exciting!
Really hoping they can pull off another great season, last time they got renewed it was still incredible
I can’t wait. I really, really hope it’s not a letdown, but I’ve yet to be let down by the show. I don’t still watch it to fall asleep almost every night… Lol
Did you watch past Season 1 of Disenchantment? I thought S1 was really slow but it picked up for me after that and I’ve really enjoyed the rest.
Same boat here
OMG! I’ve had disney+ for almost a year and didn’t even notice Futurama was included. Thanks for the post which brought it to my attention!
As for the new season, its Futurama, even it’s bad it’s still better than most
This is how I found out there even is a new season. OP you have made my day, and it’s only half six in the morning.
You know when a band you love that broke up 30 years ago reform and release an album, and it’s always a bit bland and just doesn’t hit in the same way?
Just let us have this for now!
Only one episode by david x
Counting down the days! Getting a Hulu sub just for this!
I don’t think I can. I don’t think its available in Norway. Tried back when they released Animaniacs. Oh well, I found other ship-routes.
I often cite the final episode, “Meanwhile” as one of the best ever written. It leads perfectly into starting the series over from the beginning. I’m not sure how they’ll handle that in the new season.
I hadn’t even heard it was coming out, so awesome news for me! Could do with rewatching it all from the beginning, again!
I expect it to be a letdown, just hope not a super huge one.
Nah, I expect it to be as good as their 3 other reboots, which have all been solid
Me too. Futurama is my favorite show. However, I really disliked the movies and the comedy central episodes.
Trying to make the episodes “relevant” and hitting on whatever was trendy that moment really ruined it for me. That said, some of the Comedy Central episodes had good plots (The Late Phillip J Fry, Meanwhile, Lethal Inspection, Clockwork Origin).
However, there is something off about these episodes. It is hard to describe. I’d say, it has something to do with the pacing of the show. It feels like every character is too excited, always shouting, throwing out too many jokes, and trying to be too funny. The voice acting was also generally bad, especially Fry constantly whining.
The great thing about the original series was a single plot (not an A, B and C), good timing, subtle jokes, excellent, but not in your face references, and so many amazing easter eggs, that after watching every episode literally hundreds of times, it is still funny and there are new things to find!
The original 4 seaons stay on my Jellyfin server in daily rotation. I sleep to futurama audio most nights. Every time I try one of the new episodes, I am immediately annoyed.
I am happy Futurama is coming back. It will introduce another generation to the greatest 4 seasons of tv that ever existed. But I am not getting my hopes up that I’ll like the new episodes.