I would want to tell my past self that I’m trans and they should take HRT ASAP and that all my friends and family are accepting and that I don’t need to wait until I’m 30 to come out.
Ask my future self. Telling my past self something is very likely to have no affect on my life (what if past actions only affect that “me” and not me-me), whereas asking my future self something will always end up with me gaining information - no guarantee its relevant, but it’s more likely to be.
Past self wouldn’t listen to any sage wisdom I could pass on anyway lol
What would you ask your future self?
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Wouldn’t the same logic apply from the perspective of future you? I.e. they would be a different future you if they were told something by themselves in the past.
Realistically I’m sure I’d end up using it for financial gain either way.
Future Self: What’s the next Nvidia stock?
Past self has more monkey paw possibilities, but I think I’d go with something like, “Buy all the surplus compute you can to generate bitcoin in 2009 and hold it until $64,000.”
That’s too much work. Just buy $1000 worth of bitcoin in 2010 and sell it all at 50k, which means you can cash it in 2 years earlier and still make WAY more than you’ll ever be able to spend.
At that point you will be affecting the entire market though. So things might become unpredictable.
Dogecoin would be funnier. Buy 1K USD when it’s like 0.000001 and sell when it’s at .20USD
You can ask your future self stuff right now. You won’t get the answer until you answer it in the future, but the question is possible.
But, you never answer it in the future
Yes you can, just that the past you can’t hear it.
All answers are from the future, just like all photographs are of the past
But all answers occur in the present.
I posted 19 minutes ago. Your answer came 1 minute ago. Your answer came from the future from the point in time of the question.
This might seem stupid, but it’s the same point that Stephen Hawking used to prove that time travelling is impossible or something.
The one thing I would want to tell past me is something I already knew, but still couldn’t convince my dad to invest in Google and Apple back in 2002. We played a game in economics class where, using the real stock market, we started with like 50k to invest in and at the end of the month, whoever made the most money won a big jar of candy.
I won by just putting half in Google and the other in Apple and then never touching it. But I couldn’t convince my dad to invest even a little bit and I had no money of my own to do so myself. 😮💨
I’d tell my past self that I have ADHD, and to ask my mom to take me to a psychiatrist.
I’ve been putting off my ADHD test for over 15 years. I keep saying I’ll do it. I’ll do it some day soon!
At least I went to the dentist… after 14 or so years of not going.
What happens to me after I tell my past self the thing? Do I cease to exist? Do I quantum leap into a version of myself from the universe where my future self told me that one thing? Do I just go on with my life but I know that there is a parallel universe out there where my past self got my message? Or does the time stream correct itself such that my life follows the same exact course except I remember my future self sending me a message?
That’s the neat part, you get to decide since it’s your fantasy, and none of us know the answer for sure.
I have too much to warn my past self about to not choose that.
Yeah Russia declaring war on me would be a footnote.
It’s either sharing the winning lottery numbers, or asking for them. I need to know how the time stream works first.
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It makes a lot more sense for me to make myself rich now than to make a version of myself rich who will never become me.
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Ask my future self something. I get a leg up on everyone and future-me’s timeline collapses - not mine.
This is the real answer. You can’t change your past, or the current version of you would not exist. You might still exist but not this version of you. It might be better or it might be worse but most things in your life would be completely different. And you definitely wouldn’t remember the change.
We don’t realize how intertwined different parts of our life are. If you just pause a second in your daily life and do nothing, you have literally changed your future and that of the entire world. It’s not some woo-woo vibes thing, you are literally slightly adjusting everything around you by existing and acting. It’s impossible to tell exactly how until much later.
“Hey future self!”
“Oh shit, he must be dead”
Tell past self: buy bitcoin early and HODL until they are worth ~$50k. DO NOT GET TEMPTED!!!
Past self : I wonder what he meant by HODL
I’m definitely going to sell a few thousand coins to make my life more comfortable while waiting for the high point.
I would ask my future self “what is the most stressful thing awaiting me on my future, which I shouldn’t worry about at all”.
This doesn’t change anything except my mental health is better off.
asking your future self isn’t always guaranteed to yield results. for starters, you know for certain you have a past.
I would tell myself to spend more time with and keep in touch with a close friend who succumbed to his sadness.
Of course telling past me a thing makes more sense. I have a basic understanding of the past and what I say has a good chance of improving past me’s life.
I cant even imagine what my biggest decision in the next few years is going to be, there’s a good chance whatever I ask will be a waste of time. The wiser of me should dictate what we talk about.