“Notably, Chang’s report claims that biological females develop earlier than males do, so requiring girls to enter school at younger ages will create classes in which the two sexes are of more equal maturity as they age. This, the author posits, makes it more likely that those classmates will be attracted to each other, and marry and have children further down the line.”


“The report does not include evidence of any correlation between female students’ early enrollment and the success rate of their romantic relationships with men. The author also does not detail specific mechanisms by which his proposed policy would increase romantic attraction or birthrates.”

  • norimee@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Give women AND men the opportunity and means to stay at home for childcare and stop putting the burden solely on the women might actually help.

    But I guess treating women like actual people and with equity is way too much to expect.

    South Korea has a huge misogyny problem to the point where young women choose celibacy and staying single over marriage and family to escape their bad situation under the current patriarchy. They actively choosing not to have children, because men treat them like shit.

    • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
      9 months ago

      Data shows it’s not the case otherwise rich people would have way more kids instead of being poor people that have the higher fertility rate.

      Also birth rate goes down with improvement to women rights, not up. If there was less misogyny in South Korea people wouldn’t have more kids than they do at the moment.

      You think the world wasn’t misogynistic when people were having 10+ kids in the 18th and 19th century?

      • norimee@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        My main argument wasnt about money, but if you stop putting the burden of hild rearing soley on women and share these responsibilities equally they will be more willing to have children. In most cases, more rights for women meant they are paying for the privilige with double the work. Still doing all the work at home and all the work of having children in addition to the job they can now have and gives them a choice.

        Yes of course Birthrate goes up, if you take away women’s agency and give them no choice. Take away the means to control family planing and make being a wife and mother the only survivable option. As it was for women in those centuries.

        You want to live in a world, were women are again slaves and property of the men in the family and forced to be birthing machines and maids to their husbands?