for those that don’t know, in vr most apps to avoid motion sickness keeps player in it’s own “space”. Users can look away from virtual screen displaying content or text, just by turning their heads around. But, for example in games, when content is important (ex. story dialogue subtitles) the content is programmed to try to move in front of player’s view at all times, even if it’s obstructing rest of the virtual world
Why track you when they can make you be unable to look away?
The image won’t load, but based on the replies, I think it’s a weeping angel, and now I don’t want the image to load.
Its a part of first episode of black mirror s1
This is what I thought too and it makes me anxious.
vr goggles have entered the chat
for those that don’t know, in vr most apps to avoid motion sickness keeps player in it’s own “space”. Users can look away from virtual screen displaying content or text, just by turning their heads around. But, for example in games, when content is important (ex. story dialogue subtitles) the content is programmed to try to move in front of player’s view at all times, even if it’s obstructing rest of the virtual world