linux can have some pretty weird quirks though. (don’t get me wrong I’ve been dailydriving linux for several years and I’m not going to use windows unless I’m forced)
one time I was about to do presentation, I has multiple files and windows in order to present the whole program we had developed, some powerpoint, demo, and the source code.
then came my time to do the presentation and I plugged in the hdmi cable and my fucking account just logged out. dunno if the session crashed or something, but I had to quickly scramble everything back since all my apps were closed lol.
Having been in a similar situation, I now bash script things like that, so it’s ./ and you’re up and ready, even if things bug out. If it’s a really important presentation, you can also add a live boot SSD backup if you’re serious about redundancy.
Important question: is mesa? If not, then fuck Nvidia. If yes, then fuck Nvidia regardless, but karlherbst and other nouveau devs would like to get crashlogs if there was crash.
linux can have some pretty weird quirks though. (don’t get me wrong I’ve been dailydriving linux for several years and I’m not going to use windows unless I’m forced)
one time I was about to do presentation, I has multiple files and windows in order to present the whole program we had developed, some powerpoint, demo, and the source code.
then came my time to do the presentation and I plugged in the hdmi cable and my fucking account just logged out. dunno if the session crashed or something, but I had to quickly scramble everything back since all my apps were closed lol.
I do have older quadro nvidia though
Having been in a similar situation, I now bash script things like that, so it’s
and you’re up and ready, even if things bug out. If it’s a really important presentation, you can also add a live boot SSD backup if you’re serious about redundancy.Live boot SSD backup that boots right into presentation.
Important question: is mesa? If not, then fuck Nvidia. If yes, then fuck Nvidia regardless, but karlherbst and other nouveau devs would like to get crashlogs if there was crash.
Was it reproduced later? What enviroment?
nah propiertary, sometimes happens randomly and gnome
Ah. When I was using proprietary, I had problems too.