I’m pretty sure that people were unhappy because it was opt-out at first. Now that bridging is opt-in, I don’t think most people have a problem with it and I’ve seen a number of posts from both sides of the bridge so it seems to be working.
Ah damn. I just came across the first time I wanted to actually use this. It requires opt-in from both ends‽ No wonder people aren’t upset, the damn thing is nearly useless.
I’m pretty sure that people were unhappy because it was opt-out at first. Now that bridging is opt-in, I don’t think most people have a problem with it and I’ve seen a number of posts from both sides of the bridge so it seems to be working.
Ah damn. I just came across the first time I wanted to actually use this. It requires opt-in from both ends‽ No wonder people aren’t upset, the damn thing is nearly useless.