All rich people became rich because people like you and me are paying more for services and things than they’re truly worth, which means we pretty much never get our money’s worth even when we feel like we do.
Same issue it just affected people that came before us and means we have less wealth because our ancestors could have kept more of theirs if rich people didn’t profit off them and it would have trickled down to the next generation just like it does for the rich.
All rich people became rich because people like you and me are paying more for services and things than they’re truly worth, which means we pretty much never get our money’s worth even when we feel like we do.
There are no good rich people.
Most rich people became rich because their ancestors got paid a surplus.
Same issue it just affected people that came before us and means we have less wealth because our ancestors could have kept more of theirs if rich people didn’t profit off them and it would have trickled down to the next generation just like it does for the rich.
Or, the creation of economic value is actually possible and we aren’t just fighting over the same scraps of wealth that have always existed.
Poor people are just rich people without money
Tall people are short people that are tall
There are no good tall people
It was all fun games until the comment above.
And money corrupts
ooor, “people only get rich if they are not good, they do not stop being good as an actual result of having money”. That’s what I thought OP[1] meant.
You need to be a bad person to accumulate that much wealth while people around you are suffering.