Uh oh, better start buttering up all the nurses and grocery store employees as “hero’s” again since this country has done everything possible to screw them in them last 4 years since COVID ended.
COVID will likely never “end”. Sure, the lockdowns have, and there aren’t as many cases, but there are still thousands of cases, and at least a hundred deaths a week, in the UK alone.
Also Long Covid is still a thing ruining lives, and you have about the same risk of getting it with each new Covid infection. Not to mention that even without Long Covid, the disease has been proven to reduce mental faculties by several IQ points too as well as increase the chances of getting dementia: https://theconversation.com/mounting-research-shows-that-covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-including-with-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-224216
The UK paid nurses extra with applause, what more could be done?
The last bird flu that hit humans, if I remember, had a 30% mortality rate. So this should be fun.
Morbidly it will free up some houses.
There is a silver lining for everything!
And prices will go up as real estate companies outbid everybody else so they can lease them out indefinitely.
Worst possible outcome. Sooo many houses have space all for rent. Welcome to next level dystopia. Best case I think chunk of real estate companies go bankrupt due to increased demand or rent drops considerably. There are plenty of towns that have homes that need to be leveled and rebuilt. Would be nice if this can start a change.
I’ve read about this and it’s pretty bad. It you think COVID was bad, it was a walk in the park in comparison.
There’s generally an inverse relationship between contagiousness and deadlines. By the time it mutates enough to spread between people, it’s unlikely it’ll be much worse than COVID.
The thing is, in this case you can get infected from ingesting cow milk from a cow that was infected. Once it gets into our food supply it can cause something like a flu bomb that’s going to kill a lot of people at once.
Vegans might have a better chance of surviving in this case.
There is this little thing called pasteurization.
There is that little thing called don’t torture cows to get their titty juice. But pasteurization is a good loophole too
Well I’m not going to seduce them for it.
Those cows consented to work in capitalism as much as I did. At least they have job security.
We just test the cows so we’ll spot it quickly and hopefully it won’t spread.
The threat is a pathogen that either we don’t even know is spreading, or we don’t know how it is spreading. A mutated H5N1 for example.
But if we test, then maybe we’d have to not produce milk from positive cows for a short amount of time. Then someone might find it a little bit difficult to get milk for their morning cereal, and that would be a minor inconvenience.
That’s reassuring, lol
A world wide pandemic and lockdown might as well be what saves the planet from further warming… or at least bide us some time.
Ending fossil fuels and animal agriculture are pretty good options.
Your name is BEAVER and you’re a she/her???
I don’t know any joke I could make could be funnier than that on it’s own!
Broooo whyyy.
I didn’t know the innuendo, I literally thought it innocently like a girl beaver making dams.
I‘m so very sorry….
This is exactly what was running through my head, and made it so funny.
I stand by my humor…your downvotes just show me that nobody here can laugh at absurdity.
deleted by creator
Unlikely. The COVID lockdowns only decreased carbon emissions ~8%.
A 30% mortality rate would probably do a lot more than that over the long term. Especially if it’s the coal rolling dude bros who get it from raw milk.
Plus it was an 8% reduction we never would have gotten otherwise. I’ll take it!
As of right now we’d only have to quarantine the US… just like we might do in November
But inaction, conspiracy and stupidity would ensure a global spread like last time. (Take your pick for birdflu/November)
Do you volunteer to be sacrificed for the good of your planet or nah?
Friendly reminder that these pandemics are the direct result of animal exploitation and carnists have themselves to thank for making the entire world suffer to an incalculable extent, just so they can have 5 minutes of mouth pleasure.
Those “super bugs” and antibiotic-resistant bacteria you’ve heard scientists express dire concern about for many years? Yep. This is it. And it’ll only continue happening as long as we allow animals to be systemically bred into existence and exploited.
The majority of the antibiotics we produce are given to animals in factory farms, at doses so high they shit out the bulk of it. This contaminates the soil, streams and lakes with antibiotics, resulting in resistant bacteria. The best part? Antibiotics are sometimes given to healthy animals to fatten them up. (This last bit is illegal in the EU and now China also.)
How fucking great would that be. Last time I separated from my wife, COVID. I separate (and divorce this time, finally got paperwork ready to be served, learned my lesson about trusting her) and we get bird flu.
Hoping my next relationship doesn’t have disastrous outcomes like this
So, hey, remember when we mocked all those people in 2012 who said the world would end soon?
…how relative is “soon”?
It ended in 2012 as predicted, we’re all just living on the still warm corpse and most people haven’t realised yet.
Don’t corpses usually get cooler though? This ones hitting record temps every year.
Compost gets warm sometimes
No fuck you. I’m not staying inside again.
A bird flu pandemic would be so much worse than COVID, you’re looking at a 30-50% mortality rate
So tbh go outside when it happens, if this is your attitude. You probably won’t live long enough to cause much harm to others.
Well then stop buying grocery store meat that comes from factory farms as all them cram the farm animals together and are completely unsanitary with them being so close together.
Do it. Be extra brave and show those sheeple who’s the Alpha.
No please don’t fuck me, that might transmit the disease to me.