Mods are people too, and they don’t have to share my taste in content. If this mod wants to have a laugh at a bad article, or is just so starved for Hamilton contract news that they care he hasn’t signed yet… good for them. This post abides by the rules and should be allowed even if it’s a bit useless. If it’s not your cup of tea, downvote and move on. My contribution was reading the article so you don’t have to, moderation doesn’t factor into it for me.
Weird that you took it personally. “Not surprising really” isn’t exactly having a laugh, and if so formuladank would be more suited for it. Also the rules aren’t finished, according to the meta post there is a clear demand for a minimum of seriousness in this community as opposed to formuladank, and I don’t see posting useless clickbait articles just to rile people up (or drive up engagement) as falling into that category.
What’s weird is that you think I took anything personally. You replied to my comment to rant at me about someone else’s low quality post, your reply shows up in my inbox. If you’re not talking to me, I don’t know what you’re trying to do. I responded to inform you… in brief… that I’m fine with the post and not much interested in your concerns. Carry on, but don’t bug me about it.
Don’t get why a mod of all people would be posting this clickbait nonsense
Mods are people too, and they don’t have to share my taste in content. If this mod wants to have a laugh at a bad article, or is just so starved for Hamilton contract news that they care he hasn’t signed yet… good for them. This post abides by the rules and should be allowed even if it’s a bit useless. If it’s not your cup of tea, downvote and move on. My contribution was reading the article so you don’t have to, moderation doesn’t factor into it for me.
Weird that you took it personally. “Not surprising really” isn’t exactly having a laugh, and if so formuladank would be more suited for it. Also the rules aren’t finished, according to the meta post there is a clear demand for a minimum of seriousness in this community as opposed to formuladank, and I don’t see posting useless clickbait articles just to rile people up (or drive up engagement) as falling into that category.
What’s weird is that you think I took anything personally. You replied to my comment to rant at me about someone else’s low quality post, your reply shows up in my inbox. If you’re not talking to me, I don’t know what you’re trying to do. I responded to inform you… in brief… that I’m fine with the post and not much interested in your concerns. Carry on, but don’t bug me about it.