For me, I would choose computer viruses.

    2 years ago

    Yes. Ads don’t pay that much anyway, Reddit makes something like $10 per user per year. That means that even with a $1 subscription per user they’d be ahead. It’s the same for Youtube celebrities, they make their money from merchandise, Patreon and sponsorship deals, Youtube pays only a few dollars per thousand views even in ideal circumstances, even if a video has millions of views, you might only make a few thousand off it, and how many million view videos can a person realistically make?

    We could probably replace the entire ad industry with something like $10 monthly divided among whichever sites we want to support.

    Also, I get the argument that some people can’t afford $10 because of where they are, but then the ads being served to those people aren’t bringing any money in either, so you can adjust the cost downward.