Let’s run down the list of the shooter’s known traits and see how this fits the GOP agenda:
- White
- Male
- Suburban
- Privileged upbringing
- Gun enthusiast
- Registered Republican
YUP! Sure sounds like a CRT-lovin’ Democrat operative to me! Can’t wait to hear how these fascist psychos try to spin the web of Deep State bullshit into this one.
NEWSFLASH: There’s only one side of this political climate that has been advocating violence from Day 1, dipshits, and it sure as fuck isn’t coming from the Democrats.
Sounds like a lone wolf, nothing can be done about such a thing
As an aside: how can you be a lone wolf, yet have two wolves inside you? 🤔
Its for the macrobiome.
brain washing half the country with your sick violent rhetoric.”
Greene in 2021 appeared in a campaign video holding a 50-caliber rifle and promising to “blow away the Democrats’ socialist agenda.” She then fired the rifle at a Toyota Prius with a “socialism” sign on its side. Footage showed the vehicle exploding with the words, “Target destroyed” displayed on screen. The video promoted a giveaway of the rifle “for Americans only.”
When was the last time a Democrat appeared in a political ad with a firearm? More of the right’s projection and gaslighting.
I don’t see political ads - do the ones Biden’s running say things like “Trump must be stopped at all costs?” I just worry that the dems will take the bait and turn down their messaging while the right keep the flames burning.
I’ve also never seen a Democrat ad like this. It’s pretty clearly what they want people to do, while they’re too chicken shit to say it out loud.
Looks like it’s the consequences of their own actions circling around again. Time to blame liberals/trans/minorities/foreigners/anybody else!
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Looks like it’s dems and “critical race theory” this time, which makes zero sense on all fronts.
Anything But The Guns.
Well it’s obvious the gun wasn’t what shot Mr. Trump.
It was Critical Race Theory.
“How dare you be so insensitive to our pain!”
To Trump, the Paul Pelosi assault was the cause for yet another one-off joke, which should have landed with a chorus of boos at the California GOP convention. Nope. A laugh riot.
“Everyone except us!” -gop
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Well, the god of the Bible is a malevolent narcissist, and they do strive to be godly.
The stupid bit is they’re supposed to strive to be like Jesus.
But they’re unironically being pretty malevolent narc.
“We are all domestic terrorists” - GOP
It’s actually kinda funny watching them flail around blaming nothing and everything because one of their own tried to shoot Trump. They were NOT prepared to deal with this situation at all.
Has more been confirmed other than last voter registration?
What additional evidence do you need? He was asked directly by the state what party he considers himself a supporter of, and he said Republican.
Conservatives are going to try to disown him no matter what. Don’t let their endless bad faith requests for additional proof convince you that the facts here aren’t straightforward.
No no no. Voter party affiliation on voter registration doesn’t mean anything on its own. People change their registered parties all the time to vote in the other party’s primaries and such. Also sometimes people forget to switch back.
For kids, their party affiliation is going to be whatever their parents are (lest they be disowned by their family). For kids, their political views can and do change radically from 18 to 25.
Party affiliation on voter registration means nothing in the case of the shooter.
18 to 25
I don’t think you know what a kid is…
Fine, young adult, whatever. My point still stands. Young new voters are most likely to be registered with the same party affiliation as their parents. It doesn’t mean the shooter is actually a republican.
If nothing gets released (like very little was released about the mini-arsenal, bump-stock Las Vegas mass shooter) he’s probably right wing. If there’s anything leftist about it you can bet they’ll dig for every possible way to exploit it.
Not in any way that will convince someone who doesn’t want to believe it, but for reasonable folks…
Smith shared an American history class with Crooks, and remembered a mock debate where their teacher made students stand on one side of the classroom or another to signal their allegiance. “The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”
This was years ago. Kids change really quickly as they grow up. Ask me how I know. I used to be a kid in high school who was spouting my parents’ bullshit conservative christian views. After high school I started thinking for myself and left all that toxic garbage behind.
I’ll use that counterargument the next time someone brings up how he donated $15 to pacblue when he was 15 to convince me he’s a crazy left wing antifa whackjob or similar. Edit: Apparently that donation has been debunked anyhow. So on the balance of available evidence…
As an aside, I’ve always found it hilarious when a Faux News host says ‘the media’, as if they’re not one of the biggest media outlets in the world. It’s an amazing disassociation and it seems to land somehow. The television screen tells you "the media doesn’t want you to know the truth!", o fanged poet.
Weird how the largest broadcaster is somehow telling everyone secret knowledge that is often like an out of context publicly available clip or note
“I’m being silenced!” yells man to millions of people online.
CRT ? The shooter is white.
But the CRT made him hate white people. /s
Except that’s exactly what they think.
Don’t you love it when the conservatives blame the Dems for what the conservatives are doing themselves? It’s like narcissism’s victim-blaming 101: shifting accountability, gaslighting, and projection.
Projection is all they do.
Pretty sure that’s literally one of Eco’s 14 characteristics of fascism. Publicly accusing the opposition of doing the exact (awful) thing they’re doing.
f I’m not mistaken, it was a US Libertarian who attempted the assassination. It’s analytically pointless to group them in with the Republicans, even if they’re both horrible. Infighting is serious business.[redacted: see my reply]But yes, they’re still going to blame the Dems anyway lol.
Source he was a libertarian?
US libertarians are republicans’ worst governing qualities on steroids, but they’re essentially republicans here despite the naming difference.
I’m going to redact my claim until I find evidence, because I may have just misinterpreted a flag they had up. Outlets are reporting the were a registered Republican.
I recall seeing somewhere that his pops was a libertarian.
Don’t you love it when the conservatives blame the Dems for what the conservatives are doing themselves?
And then the Dems agree that Something Must Be Done, so you get the next iteration of the Mulford Act and a SWAT Team kicking down the door of the Socialist Rifle Association.
“A woke trans just shit in my pants just now!!!”
That’s what the Trump diapers are for.
LOL, all of these are dopey, but CRT?
Put your hand in the bowl. Grab as much shit covered spaghetti as you can. Now throw it at the wall.
Repeat this on multiple stations a day 24/7 and it won’t matter how ludicrous it sounds, it’ll stick. You’ll be covered in it. It’ll be fuckin everywhere.
Yeah, couldn’t be all of that political violence they, the Republican party, have been preaching about and encouraging for decades now.
The archive is blurred out for me, but highlighting everything makes it readable.
Saying we’re too divided and in the same breath casting divisive blame is… Not even surprising anymore.
Reader-mode works too!
saying we are too divided while casting blame is entirely self consistent, if one’s actual implied position is “we think everything bad is your side’s fault, we want it to stop existing, and then there wouldnt be a division anymore”.
Welcome to the definition of orwellianism.
Glad that works and thanks for sharing the tip, getting webpages in a format where they’ll load well for the most people is getting tougher everyday
Guy had long hair, I’m surprised trans hasn’t made it yet.
Don’t speak it into existence, please let us just dodge this bullshit for once 😩
What do you mean, that was making the rounds like 2 hours after the event
Thankfully I still haven’t seen it anywhere.
I do hope the daily show has the guts to do the mashup of trump’s violent rhetoric paired with the fox news broadcasters tone policing democrats
Man could have been hit by a meteorite and they’d say the same thing.
Or space lasers. Oh, wait…that was the Jewish.
Soros funded, deep state space lazors.