Sorry for the short notice on this one, it was announced this morning but I just found out now.
8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific, from the Oval Office. Biden speaking, presumably about the Trump assassination attempt.
Video here of the earlier conference, still looking for the Oval Office speech.
Oval Office speech here:
Huh. Crazy how all the violence has been perpetrated by Republicans. Almost as if there is hatefilled media driven messaging they are constantly exposed to and consume.
All Republicans including the guy who shot at Trump!
Have Trump or allies come out to declare him a RINO yet?
Well, they have already claimed that it was a hit ordered by Biden…
Which is now perfectly legal so what’s their problem?
Those rules were not meant for the current president! /s
You say that sarcastically, But I’ll put 10 to 1 odds that at least one Republican lawmaker seriously makes that suggestion, and at least even money that says this Supreme Court would actually uphold it if it were to make it to court.
I say it sarcastically, but not without a hint of truth behind it. With the current political leanings of the Supreme Court, if Biden ever tried to off a political opponent as an official act, they would probably call for him to be impeached and hung for treason. If a republican did it, they would likely throw a pizza party and declare the act a necessity to preserve American politics.
Doubtful he was a republican, I’m pretty convinced he was libertarian. Just saying
Edit: Jesus, the mindless hatred. FWIW, I’m very anti Republican, but if you actually keep up with the information that has come out this dude was most likely libertarian.
Edit 2: based on news that came out today looks like he was conservative / republican
Libertarians are just Republicans who wanna smoke weed and not pay taxes
Be fair. They also don’t like age of consent laws. Granted, Republicans don’t either, but Libertarians are more open about it.
I’m not saying you’re wrong
Whatever he was, he was registered Republican
Correct, in PA, a state which is known for people registering against party affiliations. His father, whose gun he used, is libertarian, and he donated to the Democratic party.
Registering as a Republican makes him a Republican no matter who he votes for.
You are thinking of libertarian vs conservative or liberal.
We’re arguing semantics, which feels pointless.
If you don’t know the difference then you are right.
Just saying you want to ignore reality.
What proof do you have of that?
What proof do you have that the shooting was faked?
Except he registered Republican, his dad is lib his mom dem he as a contrarian is repub.
What reason do you even have to doubt his affiliation?