I’m using KeePass currently, since I don’t really want to use anything publicly hosted. But I was curious to see what other people have been using!
BitWarden has been a trusted, reliable and very useful service for me.
Yes 100% worth the $ imo… its crazy that my younger self had like 5 variations of passwords for all sites lol
The free version is already really good, but I still have the $10/y premium plan because it’s so cheap and they deserve it :P
I didn’t even know they had a premium option because BitWarden is awesome and doesn’t force it down your throat like some other cloud based PWD Managers do.
yeah hehe
I’ve been using Bitwarden for a while and I have no complaints, works pretty well.
KeePassXC and Keepass2Android auto-synced with my Nextcloud instance. Works great cross-platform for Linux/Windows/Android.
I know what you mean, trusting a SaaS provider with my master password list always felt like a bad plan.
KeePassXC and Nextloud to sync things between devices…
Been with 1Password for a few years now, coming from LostPassword. I feel it strikes a balance with the whole being secure and being convenient.
Bitwarden. I left LastPass about 3 years ago and haven’t looked back. I pay for bitwarden so I can use the TOTP feature and because i can’t wrap my head around the recovery process for my wife if something were to happen to me. I think another, more technically fluent human will need to be involved if that ever comes to pass.
I also use Raivo on iphone+mac because occasionally it’s not convenient to use bitwarden for totp. But rarely.
I particularly like that bitwarden can generate pass phrases with the diceware algorithm.
Bitwarden, I use it everywhere. I even wrote a Bitwarden app for my Linux phone.
chad activities
BitWarden has not let me down in 3 years!
Firefox browser. 😬😬
1password is the only one I trust
Keepassxc with databases in nextcloud for easy sync between devices
And keepassdx for android.
I have KeePassDroid but whatever works, the standard is open baby
Bitwarden. I used to use LastPass but got terrified of their security.
I’m currently hosting Vaultwarden, an implementation of Bitwarden. It’s working perfectly so far.