If they accepted a refund for the flights, it’s probably too late unfortunately.
But for next time, airlines are required by law to rebook you in a timely manner. Even if it’s on a competitor’s flight. If they fail to do this, you can get home any way you choose then send them the invoice. If they refuse, small claims will force them to pay. Ideally record any conversations you have with them and keep all receipts.
Did you ask Delta for a refund?
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Send them an invoice and or take them to small claims court
If they accepted a refund for the flights, it’s probably too late unfortunately.
But for next time, airlines are required by law to rebook you in a timely manner. Even if it’s on a competitor’s flight. If they fail to do this, you can get home any way you choose then send them the invoice. If they refuse, small claims will force them to pay. Ideally record any conversations you have with them and keep all receipts.