Rick Beato making clear what is happening on the music scene just as Cory Doctorow or Adam Conover talk about the Internet. Please remember to use frontends like Grayjay, NewPipe, Freetube or invidio.us to watch videos like these.

  • kernelle@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I disagree with the sentiment that the music scene is getting worse, we are getting more content than ever but it’s also much more discoverable, searchable and groupable.

    I was just at an insane EDM festival the other day and all artists there were up and coming 25-30 y/o, people who are touring Europe doing gigs all over the place. They were selected because they are amazing DJ’s with their own style, playlist and original songs.

    Finding music, an artist or even an album you enjoy is just as hard as it used to be, but go into a local record shop, a local venue and ask them what bands you should check out, you’ll see the same spirit people had 20-30 years ago going to gigs.

    You know what I think Mr Beato? I think you are heavily out of touch with the modern music scene.

    • shutz@lemmy.ca
      9 months ago

      How much of the music at that EDM festival you went to will you listen to again? Will you buy any of their records? Or maybe just add a few of their tracks to a playlist on Spotify such that you may hear that music a couple more times in the future?

      I may be making assumptions about you, but I think Rick’s point about new music becoming “disposable” because there’s just so much of it coming out remains valid. There’s still new songs coming out that transcend this, but the musicians making this music are finding it harder and harder to build up a following, get exposure, and convince record labels to invest in them, when these labels can invest way less, produce a shitton of disposable music and get a better (short-term) ROI.