Fun fact. Joseph’s coat of many colors is more accurately translated as a coat with long sleeves. That likely references an outfit made from a mother’s bridal gown and passed to the daughter.
That is: Joseph was an effiminate youngest child who didn’t do men’s work and wore women’s clothing. He was also persecuted by his brothers for it.
He also ended up being the de facto ruler of Egypt and savior of the Jewish people.
As fun as that fanfiction is, there is no textual evidence for the Joseph’s kitonet pasim being made from his mother’s bridal gown (especially as first marriage bridalwear was plain white cloth, something Joseph’s cloak was famous for not being.) Additionally, Joseph’s story is chronologically VERY VERY early in what wasn’t yet even Hebrew culture, so would likely bear zero resemblance to post-Canaan Hebrew culture.
The reference to ‘long sleeves’ has to do with his brother’s jealousy at the quality and material excess of the garment. Not the source the garment was made from.
It’s kind of bigoted of you to assume that he was gay just because his brothers picked on him.
“Pasim” probably doesn’t mean multicolored. It can also mean long-sleeved or fine-quality, and the only other place it occurs in Hebrew scripture is when it’s referring to Tamar’s robe, where it’s described as the type of clothing worn by virgin daughters.
Just because Donny Osmund wore a multicolored robe and danced on stage doesn’t mean his portrayal was accurate to the text. The New Testament also doesn’t include Charlton Heston trying to give water to Jesus at the crucifiction.
It’s easy, gays don’t make babies and the catholic church has run out of countries to convert. The only major growth for their faction is to force more people to have kids.
So the Catholic Church and the GOP are on the same page of that playbook.
Why catholics hate queers so much if Jesus was into drag?
Some questions history can’t answer.
Fun fact. Joseph’s coat of many colors is more accurately translated as a coat with long sleeves. That likely references an outfit made from a mother’s bridal gown and passed to the daughter.
That is: Joseph was an effiminate youngest child who didn’t do men’s work and wore women’s clothing. He was also persecuted by his brothers for it.
He also ended up being the de facto ruler of Egypt and savior of the Jewish people.
As fun as that fanfiction is, there is no textual evidence for the Joseph’s kitonet pasim being made from his mother’s bridal gown (especially as first marriage bridalwear was plain white cloth, something Joseph’s cloak was famous for not being.) Additionally, Joseph’s story is chronologically VERY VERY early in what wasn’t yet even Hebrew culture, so would likely bear zero resemblance to post-Canaan Hebrew culture.
The reference to ‘long sleeves’ has to do with his brother’s jealousy at the quality and material excess of the garment. Not the source the garment was made from.
It’s kind of bigoted of you to assume that he was gay just because his brothers picked on him.
“Pasim” probably doesn’t mean multicolored. It can also mean long-sleeved or fine-quality, and the only other place it occurs in Hebrew scripture is when it’s referring to Tamar’s robe, where it’s described as the type of clothing worn by virgin daughters.
I can see you’re emotionally invested in this because it probably empowers some aspect of your identity, so there’s really no point in continuing.
Some day you may understand the value of seeing clearly, I encourage you to pursue that.
Dude, it’s literally what’s written in the text.
Just because Donny Osmund wore a multicolored robe and danced on stage doesn’t mean his portrayal was accurate to the text. The New Testament also doesn’t include Charlton Heston trying to give water to Jesus at the crucifiction.
The drag queen Katya insists that the Pope’s tailor is gay, and that he’s into fisting.
Wait, which one is into fisting?
The tailor.
[Garak smiles, and takes the pope’s hand swiftly yet gentle enough as to not harm the petals on such a tender flower as this.]
It’s easy, gays don’t make babies and the catholic church has run out of countries to convert. The only major growth for their faction is to force more people to have kids.
So the Catholic Church and the GOP are on the same page of that playbook.
You all missed the f*ing joke and spam my inbox with some insane shit
Once you explain to a Catholic that their son/daughter can still deliver grandkids despite being queer, they come around.
Kinky, more kinky than any queer person I know