He was high as a kite/drunk as hell for at least the first two, the rest he was sober/recovering since they were written from 1991-2012. He got clean in the late 80s apparently.
The Gunslinger was actually one of the first things he wrote, even before Carrie, it was a short story that he wrote in 1970, and then was submitted to and published in a Sci-Fi magazine in multiple parts in the late 70s, and then sat on it for a while. The Gunslinger as a whole wasn’t published until 1982, and then re-released in 1988. The Drawing of the Three was released in 1987.
90% sure one of introductions says something like “it was the 70’s and I smoked a lot of marijuana and read a lot of Tolken.” Maybe it just said drugs…
Do we have a timeline for that? I need to know if he was high while writing the Dark Tower novels.
He was high as a kite/drunk as hell for at least the first two, the rest he was sober/recovering since they were written from 1991-2012. He got clean in the late 80s apparently.
The Gunslinger was actually one of the first things he wrote, even before Carrie, it was a short story that he wrote in 1970, and then was submitted to and published in a Sci-Fi magazine in multiple parts in the late 70s, and then sat on it for a while. The Gunslinger as a whole wasn’t published until 1982, and then re-released in 1988. The Drawing of the Three was released in 1987.
I know he blamed the weird child orgy thing in It entirely on cocaine and alcohol.
Probably yes and no since he wrote the first line in college.
90% sure one of introductions says something like “it was the 70’s and I smoked a lot of marijuana and read a lot of Tolken.” Maybe it just said drugs…