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She’s right, that’s not funny. I’m still paying a stupidly high mortgage rate because of her.
But pranking her like this and watching the reaction, is indeed really funny.
What did she do to make people’s mortgages go up?
Here’s a short video summary if you’re interested in some hilariously fucked up UK politics.
The first 45 sec of the video will set the stage for you.
So, this minibudget included tax cuts, coupled with a massive increase in government spending, which then caused the currency to devalue. Still don’t fully understand how it got this bad, though.
The tax cuts were huge (billions). She didn’t increase spending, but didn’t decrease it either; so it would leave a huge hole in government finance that would require massive government loans. The “market” freaked out. The pound and UKs credit rating plunged. The main crisis became the gilt market crisis (which was a catastrophe for almost all pension funds and the economy as a whole). This itself is well explained here:
(In case you haven’t noticed, I think TLDR news make absolutely fantastic videos and would recommend checking out their videos if you are interested in high quality news).
Thanks, but how did the pension funds hedge against interest rates in a way that they had to pay up when the interest rate went up?
I have no idea man. My knowledge extends as far as that video. After watching “The Big Short”, I’ve learned that there are a lot of ways that finance bros play the economy in ways that we cannot comprehend.
My hypothesis is that they put the gilts up as collateral so that they could borrow money to invest. So, interest rate goes up, and the value of existing gilts goes down, because why buy a gilt with 1% interest when you can get a new one with 2% interest? Pension funds need to add more collateral to their accounts, because the gilts became less valuable.
Good movie
Thanks. I’ll check it out in the evening.
Tried to force through a budget that brought the UK within hours of a greek style total economic collapse until the bank of England stepped in to unfuck things because it was just going to be that bad if they didn’t.
My mortgage, which I had to pretty much sacrifice 5 years of my social life and live like a pauper to even secure, given how crazy house prices are in this country, has went up £400 per month because of her. I’m on the minimum wage of £22,300 per year for a full-time job.
A lot of the problems in my life right now are directly because of Truss.
Boo fucking hoo if she doesn’t like being reminded of how much of a failure she was, is, and will forever continue to be. It’s a small price to pay compared to what plenty of others are facing.
What did she do to cause that?
Tried to steamroll through new economic policy that was plain stupid, which the bank of England had to intervene on to stop peoples pensions going broke. This resulted in a huge spike in interest rates that thousands of people are still affected by today. There is much more to it, but thats the short story. Fuck this woman, she should be in prison not flogging books.
This is a good question and you shouldn’t be downvoted for asking it.
Uh … yes? Sorry for not keeping up with UK politics I guess?
To add to @sunbeam60@lemmy.one’s comment, the whole thing: from her becoming PM to resigning, lasted just 50 days. The shortest PM in British history by far, beating the previous record of George Canning of 119 days in 1827.
And her premiership would have been even shorter, except that the Queen died on her watch, which put a complete pause on British politics for a time.
Worth noting that Canning died in office, rather than having to resign in disgrace.
TLDR; she became prime minister (PM) because some powerful forces in the Conservative Party thought she would be easy to control (they were right), she instigated a borderline libertarian, trickle-down tax reform, the international money markets went insane (because it was borderline insane, unfunded and left no doubt as to her ineptitude), the U.K. economy took a massive hit - and all of this within a week or two - and it became crystal clear that she actually was indeed exactly as inept and dumb as she looked, so she was replaced because while everyone in her batshit crazy party was like “tax cuts for the rich”, enough of them understood that for the money markets to have any confidence in the U.K. economy couldn’t actually be run by someone with the intelligence of a lettuce. Fun fact, a newspaper ran a “who will die first, this lettuce or Liz Truss?” live video stream of a lettuce were proven right; the lettuce outlived her.
I’m missing a lot of detail that can best be summarised as: Liz Truss is a shining example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Although in fairness to her, she did open up new POOOOOOORK MARKETS!!!
Holy moly, thanks. I love that bit about the lettuce, brilliant!
The more I learn about her, the more I hate her.
But, and this is probably going to be a mistake to say out loud, nothing seems to stop her from being wildly attractive to me. It doesn’t even make sense, she’s just got a crazy cute face, and it pains me that behind that pretty face is such a bad brain.
“Oh yes Liz, fuck me like I’m the economy!”
This is a fantastic video of her at the horse racing and she’s looking so gormless, that I’m reasonably confident that some of the contestants have more going on between the eyes than she does.
I mean … ehm … so … ok …
You might have started by reading the article?
The problem with Truss is that she has nothing to fall back to career wise for the rest of her life. Apart from that outrageous PM pension she has nothing to do to pass her time. Because anytime she wants to get even loosely involved in politics, the lettuce will remind her of her last attempt. And I’m absolutely fine with that 👍.
If it makes you feel any better she doesn’t get that pension https://fullfact.org/online/liz-truss-annual-allowance/
This makes me feel better that she isn’t getting any more public money and also sad that we can’t take the piss out of her.
We can’t?
Sorry, I mean we can’t take the piss out of her for taking a PM’s pension.
Meh, I think there’s plenty of piss to take already. I’m glad we get to keep the money.
Sadly she has a long string of speaking gigs. Her and Boris charge a premium for it.
Boris was at least a “journalist” (heavily finger quotes there). I’m not sure what Truss is apart from a political hack?
She was pie minister
Boris was entertaining and in comparison to Truss, actually seems to be a decent prime minister. As disastrous as Brexit was, some of his immigration policies were an improvement from Theresa May’s
Perhaps you should get a PR position for the pork distribution market?
It’s all she can do. She could try to parlay her political experience into management or consultancy, but it’s clear to everyone that she was ultimately very bad at everything except climbing the greasy pole to the top of an organization full of unpleasant weirdos. Once she had the responsibility to lead in the wider world, she revealed herself as clueless.
What I learned from this article:
- Liz Truss has no sense of humour
- Liz Truss is intimidated by a picture of lettuce with googly eyes.
Why are far-right people so fucking weird?!
Why are far-right people so fucking weird?!
I think it’s just the reverse. The really weird ones think that far-right policies have any mass market appeal.
It’s not like a well compensated, prestigious job like prime minister requires accountability, a sense of duty or decency in 2024. Take it on the chin Liz, even if you’re fired. That was part of the deal.
Oh that’s brilliant and I wish I could shake the hand of the madlad who did this. They should sell merch. As for her statement about it being “intimidation and stifling free speech,” well nobody forced you to walk off the stage you dumb bitch. But sure, go cry victim lol
I’d buy a pin or flag of that googly-eyed lettuce, and I’m an American.
They’re an outfit called Led By Donkeys and you can donate or buy an upcoming book. Reach out to them on social media and tell them you would buy a lettuce.
The thing is they keep doing this. Security in those buildings is absolutely terrible, since some random person manages to walk in, affix a complicated device, with electronics and everything, onto the ceiling, and then leave. All without anyone noticing them.
“other people talking stifles my free speech”
to the delight of us all
It’s mad that our cast-off politicians and celebs can be proven failures (Truss, Farage, Corden, Morgan etc) and the yanks will still roll out the red carpet for them because they think our failure cast-offs have an air of sophistication about them.
Well, it was founded on a lot of Europes rejects….
The only one that hasn’t made the move is Jeremy Clarkson.
Clarkson is literally doing more to help farming in Britain than anyone else
Lol no. Send them to the French. Your Tories are twats
Why would the French want them? The only foreign for language these idiots know is bad Latin.
If I was her I would never wear green again
deleted by creator
i have come to terms with the fact that conservatives have no shame or pride and they’ll weasel in and out of every opportunity to make a cent more.
but i don’t understand how you bring out your 4.5-scaramucci-ass joke of a presence to any venue and not only be surprised that people make fun of you but you get all pissy about it and fuck off as if you have any dignity? too late truss, if you had any dignity you would dig a hole and stay in it until you die.
When you are an asshole and an idiot at the same time and get treated like one - don’t be that surprised, Liz. The Lettuce was your boss level monster, and you lost. And now it made you run away from reality again.
All I can say is Go, Lettuce Go!
Lizteria. Is that Lettuce hysteria?
I kinda feel bad for the interviewer if he had nothing to do with this
He made the decision to deliberately be in the same room as Liz Truss while she was going to be speaking. This is on him