I can’t find an example post now, but I have seen people link to Reddit and it takes them to a wrapper or something
Use a libreddit instance.
There’s also a Firefox plugin called Reddit to WayBack Machine that redirects all Reddit links to the archived version on archive.org.
You can use teddit.net or any of the libreddit mirrors just google libreddit
You can use something like http://archive.today/ to create a cached archive of the post and share that
This one is super handy mate cheers!
You can use https://launch.whatever.social by pasting the Reddit link in and it’ll redirect you to our proxy.
I use libreddit hosted on adminforge.de to deny reddit hits.
Eg : if you want to access /r/ModCoord, prepend https://reddit.adminforge.de to it to get https://reddit.adminforge.de/r/ModCoord and you’re good to go
FYI all of these solutions stop working in 10 days 🤣
FYI all of these solutions stop working in 10 days 🤣
Wrong. Most solutions (see below) linked here are either proxies or scrubbers-archivers, which mean they are using HTTPS requests to access a web page.
If such solutions really stopped working on July 1st then you wouldn’t be able to access reddit with your browser.Which could be an interesting side effect.
(About teddit and libreddit: those two are “portmanteau” using varying techniques to obfuscate reddit crap. Teddit is indeed using some “unofficial” API so it may or may not work, and apparently libreddit is proxying requests so it should probably work. It will also depend on their .json use as it is also covered by the new terms.)
Replace reddit in the URL with something like teddit or libreddit
The wayback machine/archive.org is probably the safest bet, that isn’t going to break any time soon. They currently have an active Reddit archive project going, so it’s likely that your post might be captured on the archive (or you’d be contributing to it).
Use google cache; put cache: right infront of the url. But it kinda sucks now coz it’s lacking a lot. If there’s no cache on google, I use bing cache.